So yesterday we took her to the mall mid day - if for nothing else than to burn off some energy. She loves the mall - she walks into every store (Sketchers, The Diamond Store) and smiles and charms all the sales associates. Matt and I have no idea where this 'charmer' instinct comes from - as I was probably the shiest kid in Dayton / Stone Mountain (I could not make eye contact until I was, I dunno, 25) and Matt is among the shiest adults out there in new, foreign sales associate situations. Charlotte also has a fascination with all things dangerous - i.e. the escalators.
We found a house to move into in a couple of months - our aforementioned large house is running a bit expensive so we found a house that is on a quiet street, is smaller (still 4 bedrooms but on two levels) with a garden and a block away from an amazing park. Which is awesome for Charlotte as she will have a place to run to but I am a bit worried as I cannot walk to a proper grocery store and I am OBSESSED with being able to walk to a proper grocery store.
I was just reading the story of Oli and his bedtime routine and it occurred to me that Charlotte still has no interest in reading or listening to reading. Will she get over this? I mean, Matt and I are by no means serious readers but we have been known to crack open a book or two in the last 5 years or so. Matt suspects a future in mechanical engineering (perhaps like her honorary uncle Jorge) as she is fascinated with all things electronic. A few months ago she was playing with the air-conditioning remote and all the setting had changed. Matt tried to use the remote in our bedroom and asked why everything was different and I had told him Charlotte was playing with it, to which he rolled his eyes and responded, "Yeah, right, you are going to blame CHARLOTTE for this." Well, we went to a friend's house this weekend (with a newborn) and Charlotte was playing with the remote, switching all of the settings, and I was finally vindicated.
She also knows how to turn on my iPod on our alarm clock dock. She turned on some music and started dancing like Stevie Wonder. Priceless!
I keep forgetting to mention that I cut Charlotte's hair two Sundays ago. Nothing too dramatic - just trying to minimize the mullet and cutting off the wispy tendrils on her front sides. Now she looks like Maria from The Sound of Music:
We also tried giving Charlotte milk yesterday (a slight bit in her oatmeal)- and I think the allergy remains as she pooped a lot yesterday. :(
Oh, I am cured from my weeks of coughing. I have.... acid reflux - something I cannot feel but that is causing me to cough. And I thought I had mycoplasma. So a little antacid every night is my fitting dessert. Also no tomatoes, green peppers, spicy foods, curry... I mean, what is left to eat? I will live, albeit more blandly.
We have transitioned Charlotte's shampoo as I think the Johnson's is causing her front her to fall out.
We are also adjusting Charlotte's sleep schedule - I mean she is. She is still taking 2 naps (thank goodness) and sleeping up to 3 hours a day - all that walking makes a toddler tuckered. But her second nap starts around 4 and she won't fall asleep till 8 at night. So she is sleeping 8 to 8 instead of 7 to 7. Not so bad really - more time with Daddy in the evenings.
Speaking of evenings - we are finally weaning her off of her night milk. Progress progress! But Alimentum is here to stay for the day, thanks to the milk allergy...
Oh, I celebrated my birthday on Sunday! Yeah ! Just when I stopped coughing...
We went to a Korea Night event for my Korean class. I am trying on a han bok but Charlotte is not so sure about it:
Charlotte's first merry-go-round ride at the local mall - she liked it!
Charlotte is getting increasingly more difficult to photograph. A rare still moment - of course involving a snack:
On the go:
In a new dress from Aunt Tolu:
Looking guilty as she drinks water from Bucky's bowl!