So it has been a busy week. We were lucky to go to two Thanksgiving meals and we celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary - all within a weekend! I was ecstatic to make a pumpkin pie with a homemade crust - no small feat here in tropical Singapore! This was probably the greatest culinary moment in 2011 for me. I think I also took about 3 showers a day while in the kitchen this weekend as Cheese Curd Furnace + Hot Singapore + working over an oven makes for one hot mama!
Still working a lot at Matt's so no great park pictures this week.
Charlotte is helping mom out in the kitchen and washing dishes. She loves rinsing them out - she gets rather upset when we turn the water off. Speaking of upset, we think Charlotte is starting the terrible twos a few months early. She has had a few meltdowns - but these are now much louder, much more ' the sky is falling' meltdowns. She has gotten up a few times this week and there is nothing like getting up to your child shrieking uncontrollably. We thought maybe she was getting sick (she has had a runny nose for a couple of weeks and was tugging at her ear) so I took her to the doctor Monday and she is not sick (good) but may have gas (or as they say in this part of the world - wind) or teething issues overnight. She is also skipping her second nap a couple of times a week. Her active 'park' schedule has been off a bit thanks to torrential rain that has been relentless of late - so I think if she was at the park twice a day every day she would sleep better. O well. At least she gets to spend time at her BFF TT's house! Today they looked at Xmas decorations on Orchard Road with Tita Monica and Yaya Imee. Too cute - wish I could have been there!
Oh, and she is drinking out of a cup! Now if we can just get her to drink milk out of a cup....
As for me - I went to the doctor and all is fine and the baby is 3kg and could come any day now. The head is not engaged but one cough/contraction and it could be. Doctor seems to think baby could come near my due date but maybe earlier? I am on high alert. I also got to do a CTG scan as I don't normally feel my contractions. This is basically a fetal heart monitor that goes around your (big) belly. And then you lie on a bed which equals taking a nap for 45 minutes for tired me. I was supposed to hit a button when I felt a contraction and I did this... for the 5 minutes I was awake. Happily my belly is not much bigger (this has been true for the last 3 months really) but in profile I really do look like Alfred Hitchcock's face:
Here are some headless friends modeling with the great spread at the Stampers!
Charlotte helps stir the pie filling - but feels icky after getting some on her hand:
Pumpkin pie!
Lovely Susie channels Katie Brown!
Cup drinking:
Charlotte doing well at the doctor's:
Char and Tita Monica before their Orchard Road adventures:
Charlotte doesn't like her stroller much these days - but she still loves to play with the buckles!
And videos this week:
Charlotte dances while watching Daddy's corporate video (longish at 3 minutes - dancing begins at 1:30 or so):
Charlotte helps make pumpkin pie:
Charlotte knows how to say things: