Sophia is talking more - saying things like Bye, Yes, No,
Bird, Dog, Mommy, Daddy, Imee, Please, More, Meow, Me, Mine, and others I cannot
remember right now.
We ask her to say “I Love You” and she says “Bye!”
instead. I don’t know why, but it
is cute.
Char is so clever these days. On our way to the park we pass a car that is the identical
model to ours – she says “Same car, but different wheels.”
We had a surprise holiday last week and went to the Gardens
by the Bay. I was told that the
waterfall was impressive so we went to that dome – the Cloud Forest. It was a huge kid FAIL. The kids were super scared of the
waterfall – I think Matt has Sophia teeth marks around his neck. The rest of the day went better but the
beginning was rather ominous.
Sunday we went swimming with Ella and Marie at Tanjong Beach
Club– it was great fun and provided some variety to our usual sole family swim
endeavors. We then saw Matt’s
final hockey game (at a respectable 6PM as opposed to 11PM). Char thought it was too loud and
covered her ears, Sophia was a great fan – she sat attentively and clapped when
everyone else clapped. Afterwards
we had a late Chili’s dinner with Daddy – we sprung for a molten chocolate cake
as a late birthday treat and Sophia pounded it. She loved it (as did I). She is definitely a child after my own gluttonous
heart. When she was done we could
not fasten back the bottom buckle of her dog!
Matt traveled Monday through Wednesday during the week. We ended up at IKEA on Wednesday and I
treated everyone to their own ice cream cone (Sophia’s first). She was so angry and possessive
whenever anyone tried to take it away.
She also was a colossal mess but was so cute and serious about it all.
Sophia loves bouncing a ball off her head - a future soccer player perhaps?
Charlotte and I with my birthday gifts on birthday morning:
Jisun and Clarice and I had an amazing lunch at Mozza:
Waterfall FAIL:
The menace:
Cute pic of Char and the fam:
Cloud forest:
This makes me laugh - I will name a restaurent "Allergen":
Charlotte wanted to take a picture next to the 'boat' (on top of MBS):
Marie, Steve, and Ella:
Retro inspired scenes:
Watching Hockey:
Park shots:
Natural light - no color correction!
And catching up on some videos on my phone:
Daddy and bubbles at Gardens By The Bay:
Sophia loves the blow dryer:
Sophia and Charlotte watch Daddy play hockey:
Sophia eats her first ice cream very seriously:
Sophia cooks rice for daddy: