I am staying at home. And embracing it somewhat. It is not easy to stay home but I realize from my working life that schedules and rituals are super important. It is also important (for me) to get up before my girls do. Nothing is worse than getting up to chaos without any autonomy over my day (at the beginning).
I find it extremely difficult to get to school to pick up the girls for some reason. We have put Sophia in full day school and I am not convinced that she has slept a moment of her nap time but at least she is engaged and not just at home watching Play Doh videos. She needs to work on her potty training. She can go but has more accidents then she usually does (and we pull up and down her pants, wipe, etc.). She also does not want to use the little toilets and wants to use the big teacher toilet. She is a spitfire and really separates the women from the girls - the ones who have the privilege to look after her. She really will rule the world someday - in her own capacity I think. A force of nature and an irascible two.
Sophia has switched out her Bali skirt to an extra large princess dress (Bahbie as she cutely calls it) that is on her constant wardrobe rotation.
We have watched fireworks over two nights from our balcony. Charlotte likes the fireworks and the first night Sophia watched Peppa Pig instead and the second night she watched the fireworks from the sofa through the patio glass doors. Eventually she will be able to watch them outside! :)
Photo from the tough backlighting - notice Sophia's dress:
We went to the scorching hot park this morning. Sophia did not want to ride this see saw:
The girls like to spin in the swings:
No filter - just a vintagey shot straight out of the camera:
We went to dim sum today - at Pousada Marina by Galaxy. Rob and Chuanda thankfully positioned us next to a sumptuously bright window which was great for picture taking. Chuanda astutely commented that their famous char siu buns were like silk pillows:
Lollipops are a regular part of the toddler bribing repertoire:
Rob, Charlotte and Chuanda: