There was a random typhoon day a few weeks ago - so I set up the bouncy castle in the house! Sophia squealed, "I love this very much!"
Oct 1 - we had a fireworks party for Matt's office. It was really fun! Matt made Wisconsin brats boiled in beer - a huge hit! And the bouncy castle came out again:
Amazing Ruby is in the castle with the kiddos!
Matt's work birthday!
Kids love making rainbow cakes! Here they are in process with Daddy's:
Matt's birthday night dinner - Charlotte posed us:
Fun times at SCC:
And finally - rainbow cake the day after Matt's birthday!
Kids had school trips to Coloane:
And one day they went with J&J to Kids' City: I love that my girls can embrace the pants:
Then there was the TIS Walk A Thon on a very warm October morning. Char wanted me to run with her and Sophia wanted nothing to do with me and just ran ahead of me:
Lovely Claudia and Lucas:
The sweatshirt was just there for pocketing purposes:
Speed demon:
Finally - today we went to dim sum and Luigi told stories to a rapt kiddie crowd: