It has been raining a lot these days which limited visits to our favorite neighborhood park.
Matt and I went to the F1 race on Saturday. It was more fun than I thought it would be. We saw Daughtry and Adam Lambert. Who knew American Idol was the arbiter of popular music these days?
Charlotte has gotten a bit fussy with her feeds - the first feed of the day is fine (which I love to give - as she is so happy to see me and eats pretty readily) but it gets harder as the day goes on as she somehow expects to be entertained while eating. All of us have sung our renditions of "ABC's" to her delight. Sometimes I change it up and sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" (same melody, different lyrics) but I know Charlotte can tell the difference and inevitably the next go around is "ABC's."
Matt and I have wondered if British people sing "ABC's" and if so, what happens to the "Z"? Do they sing "Zed"? Or do they have another version that punctuates the "Zed"?
Matt and I (sans Charlotte) at the F1 sweating our butts off while protecting our hearing. I am standing on a tree root, which is why we are so close in height:
It is really hard to take a good picture (or it was hard for me). This was the best that I got:
Back to Charlotteville, A Bumbo Revolution (with her pal Lilith):
In a new preppy outfit (with a post F1 tired Dad):
Posing with her twin The Octopus in yet another new outfit:
Charlotte with her smug mug:
Asleep in her play gym: