I bought those plastic Playtex bottles with the disposable liners and the bloody bottle shrank 30% in the sterilizer. Daggummit.
I am growing increasingly disenchanted with the idea of our Pack N Play - which is a zillion pounds and does not come with a handle for travel. Bleh.
Some lady in the park had a Bugaboo Chameleon and I admit it - I had Bugaboo envy. I equate this to American women carrying Dooney and Burke handbags while their European counterparts carry Louis Vuittons. Our Graco is sturdy but maybe not the cutest stroller in the land. Matt would have no patience for this observation - so please don't tell him.
In other navel gazing news - my hair is falling out but still growing way too fast. I think I have to get a hair cut again. My arthritis is still there - when will this end? Although I am not at the weight I would like to be (just because of the clothes dammit - I think we would all be better off if we walked around naked sometimes), I am really happy at what my body was able to DO. I mean, I delivered a baby with no pushing. That is some kind of wonderful that cannot be compared to being a size 2. And no matter what size or what the future holds for me - I will always have that.
Oh, and so the season of moon cakes commence. As we were naming Charlotte I thought she may be called "Moon Cake Drake" - which is more cute than a true ribbing.
New outfit:
Bottle hold!
Turning over (rather anticlimactically):
Daddy gets his own Peek-A-Boo giggles:
Out to dimsum lunch with Mom (thanks Tolu for the photo):
On top of the (slide) world!
Imeeslide part deux:
Pushing herself up:
This is our friend's Ling's boxer. His name is Dave:
Charlotte reading the annals of higher literature:
Learning the secret handshake from her new friend Toby:
She laughed and laughed when Imee was playing catch with a little boy. She was loud and boisterous and wonderful and caught the attention of the whole park:
Charlotte is a hug waiting to happen:
So much cuteness!!