Charlotte has also celebrated her ninth month of existence over the past week with little fanfare except for a doctor 'wellness' visit yesterday. She is 9.64 kg (21+ pounds) yet her head has not increased at all in circumference in the last couple of months. So maybe her body is catching up to her head or... I don't know what.
We have gotten into our groove with sleep training. She now sleeps (generally) 2 hours a day or more - a vast improvement over the 1.25 hours she slept (at most) before after much effort to rock her to sleep. I say this as we had 2 days last week of hour long crying. An hour long! Yikes...
I find it to be helpful to wake her in the morning (at 7:30 or so - otherwise if she sleeps till eight her first nap suffers). Wake, bottle, diaper change, park time, breakfast, bath, play, bottle - all in two hours or less. Even not going to the park will suffer some consequence of no sleep.
I also had the privilege (?) this week of giving Charlotte a bath TWICE that resulted in poop in the tub. So here are the vital stats: Charlotte 2, Imee 0, Matt 0, Ho -2. Yeah. I rule.
Charlotte's look has gotten a bit less frilly of late. This is because she needs to wear pants most of the time to avoid floor burns. We don't have tons of pants so she is wearing a lot of the same rugged clothes. Which does little to help our 'is it a boy or a girl?' situation.
In the meantime, we are trying to complete our renovation of our new house in Madison, WI - a circuitous, squirrel-filled journey worthy of a blog of its own. We have gotten a lot of furniture made in Singapore that we will be sending next week via container to the US. I am also traveling to China next week to get some other things made that will ship at the end of January. Yes - we cannot just go to Rooms To Go anymore. Complicated sourcing is our middle name.... so needless to say - while Charlotte has been sleeping, we have been busy...
Ok - on to the more exciting things!
Charlotte, in a hodge podge outfit, is not distracted by annoying squeaky shoes as she is determined to crawl:
Charlotte laughing at talking through the plastic donuts:
Charlotte does her famous headshake to "Nobody":
Charlotte on a morning mission:
The mission - get to the slide!
Dumb mosquitoes won't even phase Char:
Charlotte loves hugs!
Like this shot:
Uncle Joe and Aiden:
Lilith perturbed:
Uninhibited joy:
Charlotte loves tandem sliding!
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