I thought I would update everyone on moi. My arthritis is 99% gone - yay! I am also close to my goal weight (about 2 kg off). I presume that helps as well. I will do better next time - if less weight gain means less arthritis than I think that that is a sacrifice I will gladly (GLADLY) make.
Imee and I took a first aid / infant CPR class last Saturday - it was really good. Highly recommend taking this for anyone who has a kidlet. Now someone needs to build an iPhone app to tell you all the steps for CPR...
Here is the video of Charlotte watching Signing Time - she stands and rocks the whole time!
Here is Charlotte waving goodbye to Toby - unusually tentative for her:
A repost from Facebook - here is Hipstamatic Charlotte:
Charlotte trying to get some air:
Meeting Aunt Joy for the first time:
"Look Mom! I'm (mostly) walking!"
Charlotte in the 'magic hour' of dusk:
Last time in Singapore with Uncle (George Hamilton) Tunch:
Trying her chocolate covered potato chip with Aunt Charu. Verdict - chocolate = yes, salty potato chip = not so much...
More Signing Time watching. I realized our juvy jail is a bit too tall for TV watching from the (myopia unfriendly) back at Charlotte's height, hence the booster chair here...
"Believe it or not, I'm walking on air..."