We took Charlotte swimming last Friday (where was my camera?) and she started clapping! She is doing this more and more which is really quite adorable.
Imee was rather perceptive in describing Charlotte's head shaking "NO" as similar to an old man losing at a casino. She can express such gravity -even if it is just to tell us that she has had enough chicken rice.
We started to play Charlotte these baby sign language DVD's. She is now getting spoiled as she demands to watch these (or the Teach Me How to Bucky video) while she is eating. Now we have to somehow convince her that eating IS boring and does not always require entertainment (wish us luck with this).
Today I got Charlotte a play pen - it sort of functions as a larger, more mobile version of an exersaucer (I didn't even know what an exersaucer WAS 8 months ago). Charlotte likes it but doesn't love it - as she enjoys her freedom to roam.
OK - on with the show!
Here is Charlotte eating and clapping:
And Charlotte with her grave "NO" head shake:
And the pictures:
In a cheongsam for Chinese New Year:
All dressed up and no where to go...
Daddy's a bathtime comedian:
"I can push myself up..."
"... and crawl over various obstacles..."
Charlotte and Daddy at Blooie's:
She is cute in these pj's. And this is the last time she can wear them:
Sorting out her morning reading:
Charlotte is practicing for her Flashdance resurrection audition in 20 years:
Charlotte in her new play yard:
I love this picture:
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