So breastfeeding is finally looking up. While not getting more efficient it is getting a bit more manageable. I get up at 6 and pump then go for a jog and get a start on my day earlier as the baby gets up between 8 and 8:30. I am still going to bed at 11:30 or midnight. There is a crash out midday if all goes well for both of us. I also got this
Manduca baby carrier and it has changed my life (sadly it is not available in the US). I can breastfeed in public hands free (though not entirely discreetly according to my breastfeeding police officer husband). I even went out to dinner with Sophia this week - a first!
Sophia is 4.74 kg as of last week - back on the 9th percentile (more or less)! Yay! I never thought I would be so happy to be in the sub-ten but I AM. She also pooped twice this week so all is going ok.
Charlotte, on the other hand, has regressed in her sleeping abilities. We have put her back in her crib and at every sleep time she says "I don't want." But now we are back to CIO after 3 nights last week of multiple hour sleeplessness. Twenty minutes of crying the first day (well maybe an hour but we blocked that overnight episode out), then five and now minimal. It is weird. Maybe she is being jealous? Wanting attention? We don't know but it seems to have subsided for now (the overnight bit, not the "I don't want" bit).
She also is scratching her bug bites (a bad habit from her mother). I am attempting to bribe her with sweets if she can keep her bandages on them till after dinner. I am welcome to hear any other suggestions on how to prevent her scratching.
Here are a few videos:
Sophia in the baby gym:
Charlotte laughs while I mirror image her arm gestures:
Sophia entranced by Filipino soap operas:
And the pictures:
Charlotte loves her flip flops:
Charlotte walks like an old lady (or a Korean man!):
Anna happy to see Charlotte!
Truly a little girl here:
Poor Bucky. You can see his growth here:
Sophia demonstrates her neck strength:
And her thinking abilities:
I showed Charlotte these pictures and asked who it was and she replied "A Monkey!"
Char and her bro TT:
Char walks back from the park with Tita Monica and TT: