Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Week 99 and Week 12.5 - Skating is fun!

So I have breastfed for 12 weeks and lived!  This is no trivial accomplishment as it has been a time suck.  That being said I enjoy spending time with little Sophia.  And boy is she little!  She is now in the 2nd percentile but I am told not to worry so I am making an effort not to worry.  She is getting milk but now I am trying to offer her both sides and pump off both sides after each feed.  The pumping is for the 'greater good' of more supply (I hope.  Fingers crossed) as it certainly isn't yielding very much at all (I think I will be lucky to get an ounce and a half all day today).  I was hoping that the seas would part and things would get a bit more routine at 12 weeks.  I am still holding out hope that this routine is coming (and breastfeeding is still in the hard category).  Also I am loosening my weight loss goals as that seems to also affect supply.  Needless to say I may be in some serious supportive underwear during this summer's wedding season.

We had a great visit with Matt's Dad and Shirley and Dan.  We went to the Tanjong Beach Club and were greeted with crappy weather.  We also went to the Botanical Garden and I did not realize how expansive that place is and how a baby carrier in Singapore in midday is probably not the best idea when walking for about an hour outside.  The orchid garden was spectacular though.

We took Charlotte and TT ice skating which was very fun.  Matt's Dad brought over the cutest hockey skates for Charlotte - they look like they belong on the top of a cake!  Charlotte was grinning ear to ear and was enchanted by the figure skaters (we are hoping Aunt Sherry will teach her sometime soon).  She stood up and was fearless on the ice as Matt pushed her around and carried her.  Uncle Neil joined us.  I did not skate and can now check off the ice rink as another Singapore venue that I have breastfed at in public.

Charlotte got up 3 times last week for HOURS.  I was very tired as a result.  We thought she was having nightmares (and after consulting Weissbluth's book, it may be true as she has been concurrently fighting off an upper respiratory infection).  I have begun to sing "Rock a bye baby" to her at night which has been a great mommy-Charlotte activity (I also sang this to her for a long time on these sleepless nights - seemed to be the only thing to get her to sleep!).  Last night I said "I love you" and she responded "I love you" back (not "I'm fine!).  That was a sweet parenting moment, making all of the sleeplessness totally worthwhile.

Ok - pictures and things!

Charlotte with her funny face!

Dan with his funny face...

Charlotte tries her first Singapore Sling:

Manny Pacquiao Sophia:

The Drakes!

Sweating at the Orchid Garden:




TT and Susie read about skating at the rink:

Bob skates in shorts!


And the videos...

The fam at our pool in Bali:

Charlotte spins in Bali!

Charlotte skates with Daddy!

TT and Susie skate!

Charlotte skates with Grandpa and TT with Matt:

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