Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Week 125 and Week 38.5 - Teething again

I swear the bane of my existence is teething.  Of course kids need to grow teeth but why does it have to be so painful?  Sophia is getting three we think - she is the baby equivalent to a teething machine.  She has been up almost every night this week.  The nights are why I keep breastfeeding - as I can just feed her till we both pass out.  As I think that this is less disruptive than making a bottle at three in the morning.  But seriously, it is all a waking exercise, isn't it?

Charlotte seems to be doing well in school - no tears!  She is learning some Chinese (she has a dedicated English and separate Chinese teacher).  I think she told us 'friend' in Chinese (thankfully Monica knows some Mandarin as we all know none).  This week is a school holiday (for normal, older kid public school) so Charlotte is learning about camping (and Matt wants me to learn too!  LOL).  Maybe we send her off making s'mores for the class?  Well, at the very least we can make s'mores for ourselves.  Heh.

Imee celebrated a birthday so we took her to TGIFriday's hoping for a nice embarrassing singalong - they did a decent job but it wasn't as embarrassing as I had hoped!  It was nice to celebrate Imee's birthday - her third with us!  We learned to buy chicken rice then smuggle it into the restaurant to feed both Charlotte and Sophia (though Sophia should not be eating too much chicken rice, we have to feed her something or she tells us she's unhappy, as per the below video).  So whenever we take Sophia out to eat we literally have to feed her the ENTIRE time.  Any pause in eating will not be had by her.  She is one hungry baby!

Sophia is signing 'sleep; and is picking up food... with her mouth (another video below).

We held a monster play date with Ella, Marie, and Virginie's kids Alix and her twin boys on Friday.  In total (with TT) we had 8(!) kids in our house.  It was really fun and nice especially for Charlotte who won't be able to have too many play dates with school.

My exercise routine is kind of out the window thanks to the nightwaking.  Matt is still traveling to Macau, and Sophia, Charlotte and I are all nursing a cold thanks to the school sniffles that we expect will linger for the next 16 years.

Charlotte's school - some pictures from Char:



Chinese teacher (I cannot remember her name...):

I would like to believe Charlotte took this photo - very Polaroid/Andy Warhol-esque:

TGIFriday's with Imee.  Sophia can trademark that look of alarm:

The best we can do as a 'look at the camera kids' photo:

Another Charlotte photo of Marie and Michelle - not bad!

Teo looks slim here.  Silly camera:

Marie and Charlotte toast their good life:

The world is a teether to Sophia:

Standing babies on parade:

Lovely Ella:



"This is the grub you serve me?  I want haute cuisine!"

An all day pyjama Sunday with Uncle Luigi (or as Charlotte calls him - Ouiji)


Charlotte plots her escape from baby jail:

Baby (duck) Drake!

Artsy pics of the week (thanks to my 85mm f1.8):


 Spaghetti pics of the week:


And the videos:
Imee's birthday!

Sophia and Charlotte dance for Imee's birthday:

Monster play date (more for Matt to see - look how many kids we have in our house!):

Sophia eats with her mouth (funny!):

Sophia is pissed we have no more food!

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