Charlotte recently likes Matt or I to fall asleep with her (with the light on in her room) at night. We are often in there for an hour and falling asleep ourselves...
Charlotte got hit again at school. Jeez! This time it was Kaizo. All these kids, I wonder if they see or interact with other kids before they go to school.... Charlotte was never really a hitter, but she was a biter, somewhere around one. As usual, my default reaction was to take her out of school, which I still may consider if I can get her in a couple of classes next year (like ballet!).
Char is now helping put my underwear on the clothes line. I would show you a picture but then who really wants to see my granny panties anyway? :)
Charlotte loves her camera and knows how to play back pictures. She always asks us to make these hand signals when she takes our pictures.
Sophia is signing dog and bye bye. The bye sign is cute - she waves her hand towards herself as if she is a southern belle fanning herself with a mint julep in the dead of summer.
Sophia has really said her first word - atay (which is big sister in Tagalog). We ask her where is Mom, Dad, Bucky, Yaya, and Charlotte and she will look at the right person. So clever.
Sophia met Astrid today and she was super jealous! She did not want to held by Tita (Monica) as she was holding Astrid. She kept averting her eyes and even gave Tita the cold shoulder!
The last couple of days we have eaten as a family (with Matt too) and it has been so nice (we usually feed the kids at 7 and then ourselves around 9 - the last two days we have eaten at 7:30).
RECENT UPDATE: Charlotte did not eat her dinner tonight so is having her first night asleep with NO DINNER. She horses around a lot while eating (especially on these dreaded no-nap school days).
Sophia also just banged her head on the floor (she fell backwards while standing, not sure why). She also banged between her front two teeth and BLED in her gums (she is fine but seeing blood come out of her mouth was REALLY disconcerting for me!).
YIKES! A too exciting night for the Drake house. There goes the boring week!
Let us start with a couple of videos (they are old as we are just figuring out Youtube from Matt's phone):
Here is a video from Istanbul - Sophia, Matt and I in a superfun spice shop:
And a video from Nicole's wedding in July. Char is into the groove!
And the pictures...
Here is Char mugging for the camera:
And Char making a 'hand signal' that she asks us to make for her photos:
Charlotte is trying to put this hockey cap on Sophia:
Sophia on the way to the airport with Tita:
Sophia loves spoons at dim sum:
Angry Birds Space Lounge!
Charlotte in the ballpit!
Charlotte's first time on a trampoline!
TT in the ballpit!
Daddy is a giant in the ballpit!
Millie and Mia at the park:
Charlotte is growing up fast!
Sophia likes her new Elmo walker ($3 at Koshiro's thrift sale!):
Sophia's first tandem slide ride - waiting enqueue:
She really liked it - I promise:
Candid Ella:
Charlotte masters the Asian squat:
Charlotte likes to walk Bucky these days too. Such a big girl now!