Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Week 135 and Week 48.5 - 11 months and back to normal

Sophia turned 11 months on 11/11 (this past Sunday).  I am still breastfeeding and plan to make it to a year.  Yea!  Sophia has been on a bit of a bottle strike since we have been back from Europe (and in Europe) but now she is drinking again thanks to Imee singing that little ditty called "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star."  Let us entertain you, Sophia....

Sophia is getting a bit possessive with her walker in the park.  She lets out a fussy yelp if another kid comes around to play with it.

Sophia climbed the stairs for the first time today.  She seems perfectly content crawling - very different than Charlotte at her age.  She did stand yesterday unassisted for a second (photos below).

Things are back to normal except it is raining everyday and there are so many mosquitoes I am miserable.  The nice thing about mosquitoes here (if there is a nice thing) is that the bites go away in a day, unlike in the US where they stay and blister on their own (eww, eww).  Our park days are limited.

Charlotte has gotten back into wearing pajamas to sleep which is great news as we have very few dresses that fit her these days.  She is also wearing shorts to school instead of always wearing dresses.

I am glad Imee is around as Charlotte often wears pigtails and I don't have the patience to do them properly (for myself or anyone else!).

I bought Charlotte a camera!  Maybe sort of goofy to get a 2 year old a proper camera (maybe I am overcompensating for my childhood) - but I hope it can last her for a few years (Matt thinks I am nutty for thinking this will have any longevity).  I got her a Canon L25.  I tried to buy one secondhand but the silly seller (on Craigslist) wanted me to bid for her stupid camera.  I don't have time for games people play selling their stuff secondhand here!  The camera was not expensive and it is a 'treat' if she does things that she is supposed to do, like eat her dinner.

Charlotte is fully (day) potty trained!  I don't think she had any accidents this week.

Char was scared of a spider and slept in our bed on Saturday night for a couple of hours.  Matt is not happy that she is scared of bugs...

Matt is traveling this week, but hopefully will not be again for a while.  Charlotte and I chatted with him on the phone yesterday - then she took her camera and repeated the conversation with the camera as her pretend phone (she just said her half of the conversation).  So cute!  Her first pretend!

I asked Charlotte today on her way back from school if Max (this supercute kid who plays in our park and goes to her school) was her boyfriend.  She was shy at first but then said 'yes!'  I asked her tonight who her boyfriend was and she said 'Max!'

Bedtime was relatively painless today.  School days are so tough as Charlotte does not nap and we feel the tired effects at dinner.  Today the carrot was both a competition about who could eat dinner the fastest (Char or Sophia) and a small scoop of sugar free soy ice cream.  I feel like I am constantly negotiating with Char these days.

Here is Sophia on her walker.  She is pretty good eh?  In the background is the 'silly guy' in the park - a prepubescent who is always belting out Lady Gaga songs...

And Charlotte and Daddy having some fun at dim sum.

"Hey - don't touch my walker!"

Cheeky Char:

Kinda standing:

Play circle:

On a mission to the swing set:

Doesn't Char look so retro here?

Char likes to sleep with the light on (and here, in her guest bed):

Sophia stands:

Char enjoys the view at the airport:


Sophia has mastered the art of serious:



But can also be happy too!


Noodle fun!


Cute Anna:

Charlotte fell asleep (while I jogged) in the stroller (for the first time in probably 2 years)!

Not sure of this face:

Sophia stands!

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