Thursday, December 13, 2012

Week 139 and Week 52.5 - Sophia turns 1 and really walks!

Sorry AGAIN this blog post is late.  This week it is Christmas letters.  I seriously cannot get everything done so quickly anymore since before the kiddos.  All the stuff you hear about having no time with kids is absolutely true.  I can only get things done before they get up (like now), when I am at work, or after they go to sleep at night.  
Sophia turned 1 on Tuesday!  Yay!  Very little pomp and circumstance as Matt was traveling to Manila later that morning.  We did take a family photo though.  More excitement to happen this weekend though.

We have been picking and prodding at Sophia to walk by her first birthday, and yesterday (Wednesday) she finally walked (the day after her birthday of course!).  Yay!

We went to Gardens by the Bay this weekend - it was really nice!  I would like to go jogging there sometime if I can make it early enough.  Singapore has so many great parks and gardens - and this one is essentially in the middle of the city! 

Sophia is drinking out of a straw - mostly.  This is good as all of our sippy cups get really hard to clean after a while (who thought I would ever have an opinion about sippy cups?).

Char and I made flax crackers this week - as I am trying to get her to eat healthier snacks.  She likes them but still prefers the white flour faux Ritz that we seem to have a hundred of.  

Char is also in her very first school production today - we will see how her singing and dancing go!

All this cruising is making my hands dirty: _DSC3191 

Char and I make flax crackers: _DSC3195 

Charlotte negotiates eating (or playing): _DSC3199 

While Sophia makes silly faces:
_DSC3204 _DSC3203 

Char dances like Feist with Daddy: _DSC3208 

Sophia crawled up the chair by herself while Daddy fixes the tree: _DSC3210 _DSC3211 

Sophia stands in the doorway - not long ago I took a similar picture (same dress!) with Char:
  _DSC3213 _DSC3214 

The family's first trip to Gardens by the Bay: _DSC3218 _DSC3219 _DSC3220 _DSC3222 _DSC3225 

I have a hundred versions of this pose of late: _DSC3230 

Family feuds begin early: _DSC3242 _DSC3244 

Trying out the dog:

Char's TV face/ southern belle look: 

We let Sophia cruise around while we get dinner ready - but usually not with cracker in her eye: _DSC3267 

Char plays with my beads: _DSC3263 _DSC3264 _DSC3265 

Great birthday shot! 

Family birthday shot:

And the videos: 
Sophia stands a long time (trying to walk):  

Sophia walks with mommy:

Sophia tried to walk with the dog:

Char and Sophia dance to Call Me Maybe:  

Sophia finally walks unassisted!

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