Matt went away for a boys golf weekend and I was with the girls all weekend (Imee graciously took Charlotte to church on Sunday).
Not to be a Debbie Downer but nothing frustrates me more than when Charlotte is being two (e.g. difficult) when it is raining outside - and this is always the case. As I was trying to manage groceries, her whining over getting a drop of water on her leg, and a massive umbrella, I lost her sandal in the grocery parking lot. I even drove back for it but it was gone (and monsooning). I feel a bit bad for it, but I was really at my wit's end by then.
Sophia is saying thank you now. And says a lot of dada and mama but not necessarily in reference to us.
Sophia is also sliding mostly by herself. She likes it!
We are listening to Chinese in the car all the time now when we drive Charlotte along. She loves to sing happy birthday.
Charlotte often speaks of Shanghai (which she cutely refers to as Shong Hai). She tells us, "I like the cold. I like the windy."
We took the girls ice skating yesterday (on New Year's Day) and ice skating was fun, but not as fun as Shanghai. Sophia loved skating (more than Charlotte did on her first time).
We also opened presents on New Year's Eve. I know - we are so late but we had visitors in town and then Matt was gone - so it was the first opportunity to open them!
Matt and I miraculously stayed awake for the new year this year (though the lights were off), then rolled over and fell asleep! In 2010 we were on an airplane with Charlotte for the new year, and last year we fell asleep before the new year (and I probably work up an hour later to breastfeed).
Juliet and Char:
Char shoes:
Sophia hams it up!
Jared is not impressed:
Sophia on top of the slide:
Cute Char:
The Levines:
Char and I:
Jared, Juliet, and Char:
Sophia's hair is getting lighter and longer:
Walking and other park pics:
Opening presents:
New Year's Day:
Kwok Family:
I am not even sure how I got this shot:
And the videos:
Having fun with Amanda and Alicia on Christmas eve (and Andrew's birthday):
Char jumps while opening gifts:
Sophia's first time ice skating:
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