Charlotte is out of sorts with sleeping. She just cannot sleep by herself! She wants Matt/Imee/me to sleep with her till she falls asleep. Is this a phase? Maybe we will put her in a room with Sophia in our new place. Then they can jibber jabber their way to dreamland.
Charlotte is talking about Disneyland - I was about to give Matt a hard time for introducing DL to Char - and he was about to admonish me for the same. In fact her teacher Miss Dorothy has talked to her about Disneyland - and now she wants to go... little does she realize the place has tons of Fat Barneys walking around, clamored by kids who want to take their pictures with them. Not Char. She is a proper scaredy cat - which is too funny. We will go this year perhaps now that we will be closer to there.
Saturday night Matt and I went to a hockey party - and we were out till 2AM! We are exciting! We are, aren't we? I cannot remember when we were out so late.
We spent all day Sunday running around picking up stuff and dropping off stuff that we are selling off. It was a lot of logistics but sort of fun for the kids to see and explore areas of Singapore (or just the expressways really).
We went swimming with our neighbors on Sunday - which was a great send-off from Susie and Matt, capping off an amazing journey of newborn motherhood among neighbors. Sophia is FEARLESS in the water. Like fall into the water 6 times fearless. She is not fussed at all going in or getting out - she could use some healthy fear. I bought her those arm floaties - as watching her otherwise is a full-time deal. As Matt says, you sneeze and she goes under!
Sophia is also down to one nap a day - which we have pushed over the last couple of weeks from 11AM to 1PM. The kids are also eating lunch in the park at 5PM- which seems to suit their schedule better than eating at 7PM. So a litany of schedule changes to accommodate our ever-changing kids!
Sophia is also 18 months and I am still breastfeeding - wow on me! She can also drink from a cup - all on her own (perhaps the straw is not fast enough for her).
I was reminded today that I graduated from high school twenty years ago today - another wow, I feel old!
We also took Char to the dentist today - she was relatively cooperative but still, you know, insubordinate.
Fingerpainting on a rainy afternoon:
This is a blurry photo - but I love Sophia's expression!
Pre swim snack break:
Sophia was fussy so the kind waitress showed her an effective, distracting video:
Delightful Astrid!
Park eating!
Char is a big girl!
Miles came over and played!