Thursday, July 25, 2013

Week 171 and Week 84.5 - Terrible twos and haircuts

Egads - I thought I could knock out a blog post yesterday but alas we had guys installing light fixtures and curtains and pictures and we did not know what to do with our kids and it was just a long day. 

I took the girls twice to the Macau Science Center which is my new favorite place.  An age appropriate, immaculate playground?  Check.  A McDonald's next door?  Check (I know I know, there are a lot of McDonald's haters out there - but it is an easy win for the kids).  Free wifi?  Check.  Free lockers?  Check.  And the best part?  The price is FREE!  Excellent for rainy days like today. 

Sophia is well into her terrible twos - every car ride is becoming such a hassle when she is not in a car seat (sorry Becky - but we just can't bring it every time).  Lots of screaming and standing and screaming and standing.  Was Charlotte this bad?  We of course don't think so but of course we have that child rearing amnesia.

Sophia is super drooly this week - perhaps more of her teeth are coming?  I think she already has sixteen of them...

I took the girls to get their haircuts this week (after a screaming fit on a public bus with Sophia).  The Chinese gal clearly did not understand what a little meant off the back of Sophia's hair - and she now has that Frauline Maria/bowl cut look that Matt and Imee do not like.  It is growing on me now - it really shows off her cute face - but I do miss those curls too.  For the life of me I could not get her partner later to cut the length off of Charlotte's hair.  I really need to learn Cantonese!

Someone called Sophia a boy at the Macau Science Center and I was pretty miffed by it.

Thomas and Em paid us a brief visit which was great fun!  We got to swim at the Venetian pool with the girls.  They took us to Savory Crab which is our new favorite breakfast place - cheap and yummy and not crowded with big portions! 

We went to Hong Kong this weekend and I have decided that dim sum is a dangerous place for a wayward toddler.  Also those dim sum waiters could really work any trading floor!

Crib sharing:
Thomas and Em and the girls (a group shot is impossible!):

We forgot snacks for the ferry ride to Hong Kong - so the girls are snacking on ketchup packets!


Sophia (and maybe Charlotte's) first Hong Kong Tram ride!

Mostly cooperative first hair cut:

Not my curls?

Someone was happy with this haircut.  Unfortunately it was the hairdresser:

Hair cut pro:

Playground shots:






Macau Science Center:




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