Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Week 178 and Week 90.5 - And then it rained

The rain is incessant here.  This morning I went for a jog in our gym (after coaxing the guards downstairs to let me in early) and ran around so I can get everything done before work... and I totally missed the call that said that school was cancelled due to the rain.  Matt, ever the perceptive one, asked why there was no one in the parking lot (of course I noticed this but did not think this was unusual).  All of the teachers were there and then I was told I was trying to be called but was unreachable.  So there Charlotte was alone in her class.  There is a level of responsibility as a parent to making sure that you have all of the necessary information regarding school.  At the moment I am very much lacking in this responsibility.  Sigh.  I guess I also think that you should not just miss school because it is raining (though apparently I am alone in that mindset in Macau).

A very cute moment yesterday was when both of the girls were belting the ABC's while eating dinner.

We bought Charlotte sneakers and socks over the weekend as they are part of the school uniform.  We also have gotten in trouble already as we had forgotten our hat.  Again, the parent responsibility thing.  The socks were funny as we have never bought Charlotte socks - a total anomaly for a Singapore baby indeed.

Sam and Matt came to visit with their Sophia and Reuben - it was great to catch up with them (and to fire up our BBQ - a two week project in the making)!

On with the photos!
In our elevator - doesn't it remind you of those crazy '70's portraits?

"Enter my slide lair, dear Momma." 


Charlotte sings:

Char's photography skills:

Give me the camera!


Char loves auntie exercise machines!

Serious on flowers:

Sophia sandwich with a Charlotte middle (you hardly notice that Charlotte is not wearing shorts here):

The image of the future - always on her phone:

Cute.  Sweet.  Chocolatey:


Naked congee!

Sophia, being a food lover, sorted this efficient technique on her own:

At Sands Cotai Central:

Stroller sharing:

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous blog as always... especially this week with our little monster too :)
    Sam x
