Nicole and I had a great visit to celebrate Nicole's landmark birthday from last year. We ate southern food and I fell in love with Midtown Atlanta. We stayed at the Four Seasons one night and were asleep... by 10PM.
Ava had a princess Olympic party which was some kind of awesome.
The girls and I flew to Milwaukee on Monday. The girls were mostly ok except for that puddlejumper from Chicago to Milwaukee where a fifteen minute flight felt like it was an eternity. Sophia was SO inconsolable during the takeoff (she does not like being tethered in, and really, what two year old would like to be)? The flight attendant Jessie was amazing and patient with us. I damned Matt for not being with us (though of course he had a great reason). Matt greeted us at the airport wearing a hooded sweatshirt. I did not recognize him as he looked like a 15-year-old version of himself. I think we both look younger wearing our layers of clothes in Wisconsin (especially because many of our clothes were acquired 20 years ago).
Wisconsin is cold! I am adjusting (reluctantly) to the nuances of winter living. Did you know the eskimos have 100 different names for snow? I just thought everything was so, fully unaware that there are packable (snowman) versions, colder ones, it requires a minimum WARMTH to snow... well, at least it is pretty.
Matt and I skiied on Wednesday - it was super fun! I have not skiied in 12 years, and was much better at it this week than I ever have been. DB and Matt are good coaches. I fell but all in the name of learning.
Grandma Kathy stayed with us for most of the week which was great! Friday we had a belated girls Christmas and it was really fun. Char is such a ham - she really has a future being Vanna White or a car sales girl or some other show boating profession after her performance on Friday.
Sophia is so two - we have gotten her so overtired and she has let us know that she has been grumpy about it. I told my dad that she has the han (a Korean word for overarching sadness) and he sad that the han is far more grave than what Sophia has. I think our whole family has intimate knowledge (and hearing loss) over her stubbornness!
Last night we got back for Kala and Jordan's wedding - Char and Sophia were awesome dancers! Pictures of that next week...
Princess Olympic Party:
We sought out Sprechers after we landed in Milwaukee. This is the first time since newbornland that Sophia fell asleep in public:
These girls love their princess dresses! We just washed this dress after four consecutive wear days!
Char spotted these deer outside our house:
Cousins meet for the first time!
Angsty Sophia!
Sophia has another shiner in the same spot as her last one:
Matt is pinching Sophia:
Awe I loved your snow pics of the kids - looks like you are having a great time!