Speaking of silver lining- my current 'tough week' situation is the sort of thing to throw myself into a tailspin - sort of a dark side of a ruminating mind kind of thing. But it is hard to stay in this mindset when you have 2 rambunctious girls... and cupcakes to be decorated. I suppose this is the gift of kids - to get you out of your head (and it is very easy to be in your head when you don't have kids) and realize that there are flowers to be smelled. Honestly the kids could care less about my life and worries - and that is a good thing really. They just want hugs and chocolate sprinkles. And that, my friends, is what life should be all about.
Here are some pictures - all from the same day last week when we went to Singing Bean Cafe at the Macau Tower:
Char is overwhelmed by the crazy bungee jumpers:
I love this photo - it is like some sort of High Street fashion ad in its seriousness:
I tried to take this photo from afar - and Matt kept adjusting his clothes:
I love this hat:
Photo of the week (all pics taken with an 85mm f1.8 lens):
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