This was me, on a separate level, last Saturday.
I was looking to go to the US - and as a last ditch effort I found a flight on Saturday to go to Atlanta that left... on Monday. So I bought the tickets for me and the girls... and had 30 hours to get ready for the flight! Who does that? Oh yea, I do.
I am glad I did not have more time as I would have freaked out for flying by myself with the girls. I was saved as Delta has screens in their seats and Frozen was on offer. The best was telling the girls to use their inside voice while they sang along to "Let It Go."
Flying was actually not too bad - though Sophia had a melt down on our short flight from Seattle to Atlanta.
We have had jet lag - and I nearly lost my marbles as we were up for 3 hours earlier this week.
My sister has been a good soldier/co-conspirator as she organized "Project Exhaustion" and the girls swam for hours the last 2 days, knocking their jet lag out of them (thank goodness).
Sabrina is an amazing swimmer! She is an inspiration for Sophia (and me!).
The girls love playing with their cousins. And I am sad that we don't live closer to them. I did not grow up close to my cousins but Matt did and I think his whole childhood experience was richer as a result.
Jet lagged Sophia - she was sick for this day actually:
Charlotte having breakfast at my folks's house. Notice the green backyard (that I never spent any time in):
Sophia likes to watch this surprisingly moving Cinderella sequel - Char calls it too scary (she does not like the evil stepmother):
Camping Kye girls style!
Frozen is a godsend!
Ideal mid swim snack - Doritos!
We saw the Briggs - the originators of the Princess dresses for our girls! The tradition continues:
It is called Operation Righteous Exhaustion.