Thursday, March 31, 2022

Woman Friends

 I have always prided myself for being independent.  Maybe this was a defense mechanism because I didn't have many friends growing up.  But being an adult - and especially a mother - requires more  friends and support than I ever thought was imaginable.  I have been so incredibly lucky to have a frontline of such incredible moms that are simply a small drive or a walk away here in Macau.  I have often felt very ambivalent about living in Macau but these authentic relationships have truly sustained me in all of my times here.  I am especially grateful for D - who was a trusted exercise buddy from my last stint here and with whom I emoted through our sweat as a proxy for our well of tears before the sun rose.  This was many moons ago, but this was truly life affirming for me and is something I will cherish forever.  Despite all of the glamour and excitement that is often this strange life that is Macau I have really enjoyed getting to know my mother friends from all over the world as we navigate this strange, strange place we call home for now.

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