Matt has spent 2 nights in Bangkok (heh!) and Charlotte has miraculously slept through both nights. Coincidence? I hope not, or Matt will need to move out. I even stayed up till one on both nights, as the idea of getting up at 12:30 to go downstairs, retrieve a cold milk, and come up to the middle floor was enough to do my head (and my crap arthritis) in.
Speaking or arthritis - I went to the rheumatologist and waited an hour and a half to see her! Bloody hell. Why is it you always have to wait to see a doctor in Singapore? She was covering for another doctor as well so.. why didn't I get a call? "Hi, the doctor is behind schedule if you would like to reschedule or come in later." So I roamed the hospital a bit, took a survey about my thoughts on a hospital marketing magazine (that I had never seen before) and scored a thumb drive for taking the survey. Yea, the highlight of my day.
In other Charlotte news - I have started to make baby food with a pressure cooker and an immersion blender. It is fun! This week she has had squash, carrots, bananas, avocados (which she didn't like), prunes, and oatmeal. All homemade (well, the prunes came from my mom from America).
Charlotte is a total chatterbox. Seriously when she is talking a language we understand she and her cousin will get together and it will be a meeting of the motor mouths (I mean this from a very loving place).
Here is Charlotte laughing at Bucky over her first oatmeal dinner:
Charlotte - precocious reader:
Excited about her first band onesie:
Practicing for her first Thanksgiving gorge food coma:
Looking crotchety with Toby in the Radio Flyer in the park today (but oh, how she loved that Flyer!):
Charlotte - touching Toby's hair shots (could it be first love?):
The newfound skill of head rotation:
Charlotte discovers her tongue:
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