Charlotte has her first official shiner. A bruise courtesy of me - she fell off a bed eighteen inches and boy did it suck. It wasn't such a bad fall (she fell so softly I did not immediately realize it) but I felt like crap afterwards. All I was thinking is please don't tell my parents. So if you read this blog please don't tell Kwang and Ock. Thanks.
I really wanted to try baby led weaning but I really enjoy making purees. I love my pressure cooker and my 1000 watt blender! The other day I put white rice in with some chicken thighs in the pressure cooker, blended it up and I have lunch and dinner for a while. I thaw these with carrots, squash, spinach, and (as of today) broccoli. Charlotte has yet to balk at any food (or show any allergic reaction to date) and is very good at the spoon fed puree process. Sometimes she gets bored (ok, often she does) so I sometimes throw Elmo on youtube to finish a meal. Her open mouth smiling throughout provides a nice venue for a plastic spoon to enter. :)
Charlotte is having a growth spurt of sorts. Three meals a day and 5 bottles of milk? Christ that is a lot of food. We weighed her this week and she is 21 pounds. Yikes.
Charlotte is sitting up without falling backwards (so we noticed as of today) and has one tooth! The right bottom one peeked through! Hopefully she can start sleeping better...
Working on perfecting my aperture mode photography this week as well...
I love this Blabla top. Thanks Larry and Paul for this!
Baby Gym in the park (Thanks to Thomas and Em for the gym! It is quite squishy and good):
That darn sky! Again!
Relief after spinning with Daddy:
Happy with Daddy on the slide:
Baby led weaning - with her toys!
Cheerful with Ling, Lilith, and Gwen:
Ok - this is a Bucky shot. But he looks angelic in this light, no?
"You are a handsome bloke, daddy!"
"Whoa. Marina Bay Sands IS impressive. Good job Mom and Dad!"
Spinach face:
A cute video of Charlotte loving her turtle, again:
So cute and smiley!