This week we asked Charlotte where her Yaya was and she responded "Philippines." How does she know this?
Sophia is 4.94 kg this week and I think I am tuning out the growth charts from now on. I am relieved to learn that Matt and Laurie were little babies (and are big and normal adults). I am debating starting solids early but have realized that breastmilk is more calorie dense than carrots or prunes or other starter foods (although I did not check rice cereal).
Sophia rolled over front to back on April 10. I am with her almost every minute of her waking day and yes, I missed it (but Grandma did not).
This week I took Grandma Kathy (and met Clarice and Olivia) to the Afternoon Tea at the Ritz-Carlton and it was divine. A different experience from the weekend buffet but satisfying (and gluttonous!) nonetheless. This is one of the few places were they serve petit fours type desserts that don't all taste bland or crappy.
We colored Easter eggs with TT (Charlotte's first time) and I made dirt cupcakes with faux garden vegetables made out of Starburst. Kind of Pinteresting!
It has been raining a lot - so I have no pictures in the park this week.
Next week is Charlotte's birthday!
Charlotte speaks Italian!
Charlotte has mastered this Blue Steel-esque look:
Sophia looks bald here:
Sophia was on a carrier strike at Crystal Jade on Sunday (Vivo City). Luckily Grandma Kathy was up for some old school carrying:
The family:
Charlotte doesn't mean emulate Bridgette Bardot - just a candid shot!
Hi Mom!
Family Easter shot:
Nice shot with Dad and the girls:
Coloring brown eggs yellow is a futile exercise Mommy!
Carrot and Strawberry Cupcakes:
Tea tray at the Ritz:
Charlotte pets Olivia:
Pic of the week:
Loving the Hello Kitty Bathing Suit!