I have forgotten to mention that Matt has masterminded a new bedtime routine for Charlotte. She decides what she wants to sleep with (Turtle! Baby! Owl! Angry Bird!). Then she decides what books she will sleep with. Then she gets comfy on her pillow (that is the width of her crib) and asks Daddy for a blanket. She thumbs through the books for a minute, Daddy turns off the light, then she rolls over and goes to sleep! It is cute.
Char is not napping through her days though. Maybe half the time.
Charlotte is also talking a lot. Imee was going to put clothes on her and she says "that is a little big." Which means not only does she know the concept of big, but of varying degrees of big. Impressive.
Sophia grabbed the bottle this week. I don't think Char did this till she was a year old!
Sophia got her jabs last Wednesday and was pooping a lot and maybe had signs of an upset stomach. She was inconsolable on Saturday night. Inconsolable! I don't know why - slow milk from breastfeeding, upset stomach? We thawed out some expressed milk and gave it to her and she slept for 10 hours! This week she has been sleeping 10 hours a couple of nights and been getting up at five for several nights. Could this be the four month sleep regression?
I can see the end of exclusive breastfeeding is near. I wanted to make it 6 months but it is literally all I do - to the detriment of any paper filing or other things around the house that need to get done. Off to the lactation consultant tomorrow - but needless to say I am really, really tired.
On a more social note we went to Traejan's birthday party this weekend. He is such a sweet baby! And Marlon and Christine were nice to let Char be so active in the gift opening....
One day I can get both kids to look at the camera:
Charlotte laughs at Tita Monica:
With the help of clever Imee, TT finally looks at the camera!
Charlotte likes to fly!
I was surprised to see Char climb this on her own:
Christine and Traejan:
Cute Trae:
Sophia enjoys reading:
And balls:
Char likes balls too:
This came in the mail this week as a free sample. It is destiny!
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