Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Week 107 and Week 20.5

I am happy to report that Sophia has pooped every day this past week.  Yay!  Again, how can I be so excitable over poop?  This is the great divide that separates parents and non-parents (well one of them).

Sophia is squarely in the second percentile (at 5.13kg) and I am at peace with it because of the aforementioned pooping.  Her growth is like a step progression instead of a linear curve.  I was working so hard for it to be a line when it is a step (and now that there is some history that is confirmed). 

Sophia has taken to the Exersaucer (with pillows in every direction for support).  She also took her first swim in the baby pool yesterday!

Daddy has taken Charlotte on several bike rides which she likes and proves a fun (albeit a bit rusty) experience for Char and her pops. 

Matt was away for half of last week to Hong Kong and Macau.  When he got back Charlotte wanted to walk around without her shirt on.  Why?  Because daddy didn't have his shirt on!

I took Sophia out for dinner without Matt to meet Jisun and Doris (to Senor Taco at Chjimes which now is our favorite Mexican joint).  I was a bit nervous but Sophia was a champ.  No meltdowns and I think she enjoyed watching the JLo videos on the big screen.

I want to give a shout out to my mom friends from Telok Kerau Park - Alexandra, Natalie, and Ozun - thanks for reminding me that there is life outside of my bubble!

By the way - I am playing with these borders around my pictures - I think that they are too fat this week.

Here we are trying to get Sophia to laugh:

We now have to strap Sophia to the bouncy chair as she can squirm out!

Cute Reese!

I love this picture of Marie!

Dogu and Ozun:

Char's mad squatting skills:
Sister feet kissing!

Lilly in a half bucky ball:

Aunt Ling and Sophia look like they are about to embark on a waltz:

"Really Mom?  Don't you think the exersaucer shot is a bit trite?"


What you can't see in this picture is that Matt is eating an apple:

Pool fun!



Chillin' like Hugh Hefner:


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