Birthdays are front and center in Charlotte's world. She is learning about birthdays at school and has totally bought into this ritual. Now she wants a purple elephant (balloon - they sell these at the mall with heavy legs so they 'walk') and a little Barney for a cake topper (along with her Little Einsteins rocket ship). Both if these things remind me that Char is an unusual bird - TT had one of these walking elephant balloons and Char was super upset and scared by it and then of course there was the aforementioned Barney episode. So she is trending to be scared and then giddily excited by certain things - but the beginning there is always apprehension. She, like me, is change averse but eventually warms up. The other thing to note is that Char is definitely our kid - she is into Little Einsteins and Barney (entities that we have introduced to her) - and we were reminded by her hip Aunt Laurie that we are ahead of the kid curve... from 5 years ago. So she is us - hip but stuck in a bygone time as we just don't consume enough current pop culture to have any clue!
We have set up Charlotte's birthday to be a big apocalyptic event - "You know once you turn three, you are going to have to feed yourself"or "Once you turn three you will have to pull up your underwear by yourself." We are certainly aiming for some self-sufficiency - especially with her eating.
I looked at Sophia's mouth yesterday - seriously seven more teeth! If there ever was a teething prodigy I think Sophia would be it. She has also had her share of runny poos and slight fevers... but she has not gotten up so much these days. Yea!
I may have not mentioned it before- but Sophia is over her jealousy of Astrid. They are best friends now!
We had a Bucky scare last week - we are giving him some Valium to help him sleep (as we think he never sleeps as he has to stand to breathe). On Friday morning he could not walk (both his front and hind legs gave way). We were sure that we had to do something... we called Shirley and Wee and we met at the vet at noon.... by the time we got there Bucky was better (apparently his muscles were rather latently relaxed - a side effect of the darn Valium). You just never know what he wants and what we would want for him is not to suffer. We are certainly at the point where we need to hatch a plan. I have never had a pet before so this is not something I have had to plan for. Luckily Bucky is back to his new normal self - still breathing heavy but still wanting food and walking better now. Sigh. Taking it day by day.
We also went to Loysel's Toy with Susie and Matt and their kids and ran around the restaurant with 3 of the 4 kids (little Astrid is still too little yet). I think the biggest toddler requirement for an eating establishment is a vast and safe roaming space.
Grandma Kathy arrived to town bright and early on Sunday morning. We went to Din Tai Fung for lunch (a sweeping success - the hot and sour soup was not too spicy for the kids) and tried to go to the water play area abut it was closed to set up for an afternoon special event! Ah, these malls could learn a thing or too from America - don't build the church for Easter Sunday but don't close it either on Easter Sunday to set up for Easter Sunday (or you know, something like that).
We opened up an Easter gift from Grandpa - and Charlotte loves her scissors! We just have to direct her to cut scrap paper and not $50 bills!
Astrid tries rice cereal for the first time:
While Teo goofs around:
Sophia is a proud Beatles fan!
While Char tries to watch Ella's iPad French:
Sophia likes to dance with Auntie Alex:
Thirsty sisters:
Cutting paper at Din Tai Fung:
And waxing philosophical over pork dumplings:
Sophia eats pizza al fresco:
While Astrid poses the Heisman:
Sophia sweats:
While waiting for her BFF Astrid:
And here is a video of Grandma showing off her Gangnam Style moves with the girls (or just watching the Hyuna version of the video):
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