Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Week 153 and Week 66.5 - I hate fat Barney!

Sophia is on the verge of talking.  She is saying a lot more nonsensical jibber jabber - like the line 'wigga wigga wigga wigga wigga wigga' from LMFAO.  We ask Charlotte what Sophia is saying and she says she understands.  Of course she does not tell us.

Sophia is also 'consolidating her nap' - which means she is generally not going down in the afternoon.  This is ok as I can take her out with me on some days now.

Sophia tried to pull a door that was stuck to a magnetic door stop.  When she freed it it hit her in the face (and Imee says she cried and cried).  She has been sporting a dimple-like bruise on her left cheek ever since (There also was a door mark that spanned from her eye to this bruise - which made me very sad to look at.  As children are miracle healers, that mark went away by the next morning).

We are trying to figure out what to do on Sundays - we take the girls out for lunch and inevitably Sophia is melting and does not nap at all.  I told Matt we should go out for an early dinner instead.  It is too difficult to match our girls' sleep schedules with eating out.

This week we went to a birthday party for Anna - wow what a party!  There was a cake, games, food, and Barney paid us a visit.  The party was up on a rooftop of Anna's apartment, and Charlotte was holding a small Barney (thanks to Daddy and Youtube, Charlotte has discovered Barney).  Unfortunately Charlotte saw Barney as he was heading up the stairs to the rooftop... and ran to Daddy in fear of Barney.  So there Charlotte was, in near hysterics, complaining she does not want to see and does not like 'fat' Barney while holding a small Barney.  It was really hard not to laugh.  Matt sequestered Charlotte away from Barney, while I took Sophia to see Barney (she was crying and scared at first as well, but she got over it much better than Charlotte - I think I coaxed her with Gangnam Style, which Barney was dancing to).  Needless to say, a trip to Disney is not in the near future for us.

Anna had a 3D Barney cake as well (in fact she had a second party with a 3D Hello Kitty cake!).  I asked Char what she wanted for her birthday - and she said she wants a Barney cake!  She is all about cakes and birthdays these days.  Generally when we ask her what she wants on her cake she says she wants fire and a candle.  We are thinking of getting her a Little Einsteins cake (she loves the rocketship) as the ship is hovering over fire?  We will do something - now that she has a concept of birthdays and customized cakes.

Argh - I footnote this entry with yet another battle of the food wills from last night.  Charlotte went to bed hungry after she refused to try my vegan mac and cheese (even Matt tried).  This really frustrates me - I played the bad cop today.  Food battles - this is some sort of karmic payback from my own childhood I think.

Sigh - we will start with some videos this week:

Here is Sophia dancing at Anna's party:

Here is a shaky video of Barney at Anna's party (one hand holding a very upset Sophia):

Char swims with friends at Anna's party:

Char swims the hokey pokey:
Sophia climbs into and out of strollers:

Distracted Sophia slides alone!

And the pictures:
Sophia shows off her mad squatting skills (when exactly do you lose this?  Was I ever able to do this?):

I did not know Sophia could sit in a chair like this!

Apprehensive birthday girl Anna:

"I hate fat Barney!" - said while Charlotte is holding a small Barney:

Matt can't help but laugh at the irony of this:

Our nemesis - big scary Barney:

Birthday girl Anna!


Anna was a pro - she knew when to blow out the candles and how to cut the cake!  And she just turned 2!

I love this semi-candid shot of the girls!

Calm in a sea of chaos:

Joyful Char:

Char swims!



We were lucky she was having a good day swimming!


A funny Singapore sign - how exactly would they do it?

Char at the airport:

Sophia spilled water all over her shirt at lunch - so we put this swim top on her.  Her belly hangs out and it is SO cute!


A victorious swing shot (involving a bunch of new camera tricks) - yay!

1 comment:

  1. That Barney is scary! It has black eyes and no snout. I am scared for Charlotte!
