Saturday, June 28, 2014

Week 220 and Week 132.5 - Last day of School

Greetings from Khao Lak, Thailand!  We are here for a short break.

Char had her last day of school on Wednesday.  So weird to be 4 and have a last day of school but here we are - in Asia - and Char has 2 years of school under her belt.

You forget how cute young school is.  Two of Char's good friends (Maleah and Jenny) won't be there.  Hopefully she can cope better with constant transientness.  I hope she can teach me a thing or two.

Gwen is also leaving - Maleah's mom.  I will really miss her!  Ack, I hate goodbyes...

Char also got her Capoiera belt this week - which was sort of ceremonial and not official but a really cool thing nonetheless.  She got to spar with the other kids in a circle - it was really cool.

I also got this new lens - and it takes beautiful pictures but is a manual only focus lens (why do I do this to myself?).  The 85mm f1.4 Samyang.  A beauty but silly lens for fidgety kids. 

Old pics - the girls at Veronica's spa - entertaining themselves with her phone:

Capoiera at the Conrad:

New lens play:






Capoiera belt getting:






Here is a video of Char getting her belt:

Attempt at a picture with the new lens out - fail!

Wendy was a much more amenable subject! :)

This lens makes it hard to get a wide angle.  So here is Char with the dragon - but really just Char:

We had an impromptu dinner with the 2 of us - as the 2 girls fell asleep in the car:


This cross arm maneuver made Charlotte so angry!

Sophia likes to tell 'time' with the Twister board:

We took Maleah to Qube - love the loaner pants.  We will miss you guys!





Bye Bye Miss Dizon and Miss Sandra!  We will miss you too!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Week 219 and Week 131.5 - Hockey BBQ and Nosebleed and Father's Day

Charlotte had a nosebleed last Sunday - never have a seen blood leave a nose with such speed and conviction.  This is unfortunate as I do not like the sight of blood.  I put her head back and then she vomited blood and I freaked out (learn from me, do not do this.  Let the blood flow out).  We went to the ER (where Char had a nearlye40 degree fever), then to an ambulance to the public hospital, where basically I learned that nosebleeds are not serious and to let the blood flow out (to prevent the bloot vomiting).  Sigh.  She has luckily not had a nosebleed since (and I think her nosebleed was due to very dry air due to air conditioning).  Sophia was very cute throughout all of this - she told Yaya that Charlotte was lying down 'here' and then she said that she could not help her A-te (big sister in Tagalog).

Char was supposed to get a capoiera belt on Sunday but was at the hospital - she got it today :).

Last Sunday was Father's Day - we just had a normal Sunday.  We gave Matt a framed picture of Matt and the 2 girls making their first

Last Saturday we hosted a BBQ for Matt's hockey friends - it was great fun and lots of kids were there.  Char loves one of the substitute teachers who plays hockey - Mr. Brockbank.  She was asking about him three days before and was so excited to see him.  She gave him the tour of our place ("Sometimes I take a bath in this room, but mostly in my room.").  

I went with Char and her class and they went swimming in Coloane.  She is pretty good in the water - that year of Aquaducks swim lessons paid off!

The girls in their princess dresses drawing on the patio (literally - with chalk) for Father's Day:

Barbeque pot luck!  The Korean BBQ beef ribs were a hit:




Sophia, Brady, and Louis:

Melanie and Mr. (Rob) Brockbank:

Tom and John:





Father's Day Dim Sum:





Resurrecting the 85mm lens:



Char took these shots - not bad!











Post swim pizza party - Char had no pizza and just had Pringles:

Gwen kindly posted this video for me (as I ran out of memory) - thanks Gwen!