Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Week 28 - Busy body

Ok, not such a wordy post this time.

En route to going out to Dempsey Hill to meet a girl Matt grew up with.

We are busy - just got back from Hong Kong.  Negotiated a stroller on the MTR there.  Totally sucked.  Bjorned it the rest of the way.

Saw friends visiting from the US in Hong Kong because Disney is now 5 years old there.

Charlotte is still sick ever so slightly and had black mucus from Hong Kong air.  Yucky.

We think she is talking - saying OK starting yesterday.  It is funny.

Charlotte is crawling backwards.  Or according to Matt pushing backwards.

We stopped solids while in Hong Kong, although we did feed her some cantaloupe (as per the video below).

Charlotte has been getting up once a night for a week - around midnight.  She eats some and then goes back to bed.

We hope this is short lived.

We are knackered.

Sherry and Larry are visiting from Macau.

Here are some pics and video.

Crawling/pushing backwards:

First Hong Kong skyline photo:
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First tram ride:

Makeupless Mom and sleepy baby at Flying Pan:
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Eating cantaloupe for the first time:

With Daddy at Stanley:
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With Christian and Margo at Dim Sum:

Meeting Janet for the first time:
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Loving the Bjorn (tall perspective) on Uncle Larry:

"So let me tell you about what's going on with the Joneses..."

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Week 27 - Under the sweltering weather

Pardon me if this post is a little jumbled.  Charlotte is a bit ill and we are all a bit grumpy and tired - getting up at 3 AM for 3 nights becomes none of us.  Charlotte has a runny nose (and a surprisingly sunny temperament).  We had the pleasure to take her to the doctor twice in 5 days - one for her 6 month jabs (a minute of crying and then all was well) and the second for her general stuffiness.  We got some medicated nosedrops and Doctor Mark says it should be gone in a week or 2.  Blah.  Blah.

She is 8.64 kg (19 pounds!), 67 cm tall and has a head circumference of 43.5 cm.

In other news - she loves her walker.  I know that these walkers are really out of vogue in America - but a supervised few minutes with her happy and rolling around (e.g. tormenting the dog) is good for us.  We started feeding her solid foods - rice cereal which she likes.  We attempted to change her formula (to NAN HA - locally available) but it happened when the sickness happened and well, we needed to change one less variable, so we are asking assistance of our American friends to bring over some Alimentum till we can stock up at Xmas.

Here is some updates.  I am off to try to sleep to anticipate another 3AM morning..

 Charlotte cruising in Chris's walker.  Bucky is getting more treats as he resigns himself to being run over a few times a day...

"Grandpa's Girl" T-shirt.  She is out of focus because she can't sit still!
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A vision in purple:
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Channeling Elmo's brainwaves:

Walking again:

Still learning the gender neutral sippy cup:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Week 26 - 6 months old!

Ok, Charlotte really turns 6 months tomorrow...

Matt is in disbelief that 6 months have passed and so am I. 

We bid adieu to Aunt Laurie and Matt had a business trip in Hong Kong for 2 days this week.

Charlotte seems to grow a lot when Matt is gone - I don't know if I am more mindful of it becuase of his absence.

She is walking - well with the help of Imee.  She goes really fast - I can tell she will soon be annoyed at Mama for being a slow walker.

She also seems like she is close to crawling - she can lift her belly (with the help of a leg kick) and rotates around on the axis that is her belly. 

We haven't started solids but will this week.  We did put her in a high chair at TGI Fridays - she did great.  Her flailing is somewhat controlled by the seat belt.  We also put her in a booster seat that Laurie got us.  She is ready - but are we?

The bugs have gotten to her (and to us).  I bought 2 bug lights this week and decided to put mosquito stickers on her back all day long.

Also - she has this George Constanza hair - long on the sides and short on top (kind of an inverse mullet).  It is too cute.

I am feeling better - but still have a cough that will not relent.  The arthritis was flaring up with the recent illness but I am better with both the sickies and the arthritis.

On with the multimedia:

This is an awesome video - Charlotte in her new baby pool with daddy - she had the major giggles..

Charlotte walking (sorry this is sideways):

Charlotte in a pink hat:
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Charlotte in a red hat and outfit (I laughed when a Chinese man asked me if she was a boy or a girl while wearing this ensemble):

Charlotte on Daddy Mountain:

Charlotte posing with Imee:

In a borrowed F1 walker (thanks Jisun for loaning it to us!):
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Pretty in Pink:

Walking with bunny shoes:

In a high chair and a balloon:

With Aunt Laurie at Arteastiq:

With mom at Arteastiq:

Laughing with daddy during a Saturday lunch:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Week 25 - Sitting up and swimming out

Aunt Laurie is visiting us from Londontown - the last of the auntie triumvirate to meet Charlotte in person.  In uncharacteristic Charlotte fashion, she cried at first when she saw Laurie - she was 'everything is fine' for a minute and then the gravity of Laurie's presence overcame her and she imploded into tears.  Luckily this was short lived and now they are great buddies.

We went to Phuket for a few days - a day delayed on both ends thanks to questionable issues with Tiger Airways.  Phuket was nice, but the weather was rainy and overcast.  We stayed at our friend's house and we had our own pool.  Charlotte swam around in her new Taiwanese neck floatie - and it was SO cute.  The highlight of the trip was swimming with Charlotte.  We also tested the capability of the Drypers.  I am pleased to say that they did not leak (even after being filled with 5lbs of water) - but maybe I should invest in swim diapers?

We tried this one inch tall travel bed thing for Charlotte (thanks to the aforementioned low cost carrier, carrying our pack and play seemed daunting and overwhelming).  The first night she couldn't sleep and she kept rolling over onto the floor - making for a pretty restless night for me.  She settled into the bed but got these wicked mosquito bites (just like me - OMG have you seen me get bitten in Thailand?  Seriously PUCE bites).  Matt and I found the sectional sofa to be more to our liking than the bed, so on the last night we slept on the sofa and gave Charlotte the king sized bed. I wish I took a picture.

Charlotte also visited her first beach in Kata.

We were both sick and managed to not get Charlotte sick which is nothing short of miraculous.

Charlotte is sitting up better, although some leftward wipe outs are still a part of the experience- perhaps a restaurant high chair is in her immediate future?

On with the pictures!

Charlotte's new walker/car thing.  She was dragging the top of her feet at first...
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Neck floatie!

Neck floatie video!

Charlotte and mommy napping in the same position (so funny!):

Watching her aunt get ready in Phuket:

Charlotte's first beach experience!

With Aunt Laurie at Dino Burger, Karon Beach:

Laughing with her new singing elephant:

Sitting up on the sofa video (she cannot sit still for even half a second):

In love with her new Elmo puppet!