Friday, February 26, 2010

Week 33

Just got back from the doctor’s office. This is the first time I went without Matt and of course the first time that the doctor saw me on time (generally there is a 30 minute or more wait, as we watch midwife videos from 1977 or a random birth video, ungroomed parts and all, from PBS circa 1981). I weighed myself at the beginning and I have put 4kg on in 3 weeks. YIKES! I asked my doctor about this off the bat and he said it was fine – I am visibly puffier in the face and feet (I call these my Barney Rubble brick feet) and that I am retaining water. Perfectly normal, and I can look forward to getting rid of it once the baby is born. I told Matt about this on the taxi ride back to work and it is possible that we both weigh the same right now. DOUBLE YIKES!

Aside from this, the baby is fine, a whopping 2.1 kg. I asked for some photos which are below. She still looks like a blobby alien. I guess she isn’t at the right angle for a 4D scan so no more new shots of those chubby cheeks.

The doctor asked if I could see the profile of the chin and I couldn’t see anything that resembled, well, anything.

She is in the LOT position and growing at a normal rate.

She is swimming around in a nice pool of amniotic fluid – so my retained water is not for naught. That makes me happy she is comfortable, though is it too much to ask for my feet to look more Wilma than Barney-esque?


Right hand


The doc said something about a face profile (maybe there is a chin in here somewhere).  If you can help me sort out what is happening here, that would be great.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Week 32 Musings: Random

I am in the middle of week 32.  I tell people I am in my eighth month and they either think that I am delivering in four weeks or that there are more than four weeks in a month.  I watched The Blind Side at the theater earlier this week over Chinese New Year and teared up throughout the whole thing – even when nothing particularly tear jerking was going on.  Darn hormones.

My belly is getting bigger – to the point where Matt wants to know just how big it is going to get.  

I am getting used to dirtying my five maternity outfits – due to aforementioned belly I have this ‘built-in’ shelf that is perfect for catching crumbs.  I caught myself talking to a colleague yesterday (walking to his desk) with crumbly business everywhere.  Too bad I cannot feed birds with my newfound skill. 

I suppose that I have a future of dirty(ish) clothes to look forward to over the next few years or so.

Chubster ankles seem to be de rigueur these days – I think one day that I slept 12 hours was when they went away completely.

As of this morning I am vowing not to eat sugar again – its physiological effects are no longer worth it to me.  Well, as of this morning anyway.

I feel I am blabbering on.  Can’t imagine writing my piece de resistance while being this pregnant.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Ava!

073, originally uploaded by minjenah.

Happy birthday to my sweet and wonderful niece. You turn 3 today and have brought a lot of joy and order to your mom. You are turning into quite a lady - taking ballet and loving your princesses (these girly propensities do not come from your mom I can assure you). Nonetheless, you are talking now, a total and utter delight, and I am happy to celebrate the anniversary of your birth.

Have a wonderful time in the snow and don't sugar overload on your princess cake!

Your Nemo

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Belly pic

Ok - here is a pic of me from week 24.5 or so.  I am at the Fountain of Wealth with Matt's sister in Singapore (thanks for the pic L!).  I am wearing one of the 5 maternity outfits that I own.  My belly has gotten bigger than this but I am seldom soliciting for photographs these days if you know what I mean.  Sometimes I feel like the belly is an ok size but other times I feel huge as the girls here just aren't big.  My sister had a big belly so maybe it is a Kye thing (plus our western hubbies - maybe that has something to do with it too).  Had a funny conversation last night for dinner - about whether to eat durian while pregnant.  My colleague says no because it has a lot of sugar while another colleague (who has 7 kids!) said that it helps to make your kids 'strong'.  'Strong' is often a euphemism for virility among these Asian parts, but I am thinking that is not entirely what he meant in the context of newborns and toddlers.

Still hot and still tired.  O boy - 9 more weeks to go....

Monday, February 8, 2010

Weekend update

DB has come into town. He is helping Matt out with work and staying with us which is really cool. We hosted a very laid back BBQ on Saturday. Matt was the grillmaster and I made most of the fixin's, including BBQ beans with molasses, mustard, and brown sugar (much to Matt's surprise - clearly he wasn't raised in the Deep South :)). There was also japchae, salsa, granola, french onion dip, Nigerian chicken, fruit salad, and decadent Payday bars and Pistachio Lemon Dulce de Leche bars.
There was Karaoke and Wii involved. We all ate too much and some folks wanted to sleep. Not to say we are boring hosts but there is something sleep inducing about our abode here in Singapore (or maybe we are boring hosts). We were busy this weekend - working Saturday, baby class (gets better each week but I wonder why we still continue), and BBQ Saturday. Matt and DB played golf in Indonesia so I dropped them off on Sunday, shopped, went to yoga, and finished up some household errands.

I know, the exciting life of an expat. I am comforted to know I would be mundane anywhere I lived in the world :).

Friday, February 5, 2010

Doctor visit: week 30

I feel like I should record my doctor's visits as they go by so quickly and I think I miss some things.

Forgot to ask for Ultrasound photos. She is moving, her head is in the right position (down), I am a candidate (at this point) for a natural birth!

Baby is 1.46 kg - she is a little over 3 pounds. The doc put pressure at the bottom of my belly (e.g. where the protrusion begins) and there was minor discomfort. This is where Kumquat's head is.

I am half expecting 'the lecture' on my weight gain (almost 2kg is 3 weeks) but the doctor has been forgiving. Maybe because Matt is a westerner. The baby is trending normal to small - nothing off the charts which is good. I don't need to set any world records - just want to have a healthy Kumquat.

Tiredness and hotness - all on track for where I am along this journey.

The doctor suggests I take some time off before the baby arrives - I agree in theory but as I told him, my idle mind is a devil's (ruminating) workshop.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Week 30 Musings: Hot!

Starting out on my week 30.

10 more weeks!  Wow – it seems like tomorrow.

The body keeps changing.  I am constantly hot.  This is new as of 3 days ago.

Every time I am in a moderately warm environment…. Sweat buckets.  For hours later.

Probably doesn’t help that it is 90 degrees (F) everyday.

Blah.  Third trimester.

Also – am starting to get tired again.  Not week 10 tired but sort of a ‘I need a midday nap’ kind of tired.

I fell asleep in the last childbirth class.  It is a good thing I didn’t study to be a doctor because the physiological stuff just bores me to tears (as does physics in general).

I read a book my doc wrote.  All these things are normal – but not so normal to me.

I retained water yesterday in my ankles.  This was pointed out to me by the guy in the pet shop (thank you over-observant Chinese folks!).  I think it is because I was wearing chunky 1.5 inch heels.  

Why did I not buy brown flats when I was in the States?

Two people have asked me in recent days if I am having twins.  Um, no, I am just big bellied and short.  All the belly has nowhere to go vertically so it is just an extending horizontal….shelf.

Going to the doc tomorrow.  Also touring the hospital so I can book my room.

I will be seeing more of my doctor in the next few weeks.  Good thing he is so darn nice.