Friday, February 5, 2010

Doctor visit: week 30

I feel like I should record my doctor's visits as they go by so quickly and I think I miss some things.

Forgot to ask for Ultrasound photos. She is moving, her head is in the right position (down), I am a candidate (at this point) for a natural birth!

Baby is 1.46 kg - she is a little over 3 pounds. The doc put pressure at the bottom of my belly (e.g. where the protrusion begins) and there was minor discomfort. This is where Kumquat's head is.

I am half expecting 'the lecture' on my weight gain (almost 2kg is 3 weeks) but the doctor has been forgiving. Maybe because Matt is a westerner. The baby is trending normal to small - nothing off the charts which is good. I don't need to set any world records - just want to have a healthy Kumquat.

Tiredness and hotness - all on track for where I am along this journey.

The doctor suggests I take some time off before the baby arrives - I agree in theory but as I told him, my idle mind is a devil's (ruminating) workshop.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, take the time off! I took 2 weeks off and we kept very busy running errands and going to the movies and restaurants. You won't be able to do any of that for a while after the Kumquat arrives. And nap as much as possible. Plus, if the Kumquat arrives early, and you planned to work right up to your due date, you won't have had time to wrap things up.
