Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Week 128 and Week 41.5 - Biting and a broken camera

Wow.  This has been one busy week especially in Charlotteland.

Last Friday Charlotte gotten bitten by a classmate (a girl) in the face as they were fighting over a toy.  This girl (let's call her V) has been at the school all of a MONTH and already has had 'anger management issues' highlighted prior to this biting incident.  Argh.  Of course my gut instinct is to get her kicked out of school (again, she is maybe 2).  But of course crappy things happen and we all have to learn to deal.... but seriously?  V?  Maybe you are a bit too young for school (V also was crying for over almost 2 weeks when she started school earlier this month).  Char (I am told) behaved well during this incident and did not cry - but she has seemed shier around her teacher and turned her face and welled up in tears when Matt asked her about it on Friday night.  Sigh.  Welcome to a lifetime of dealing with idiots Char.

We went out to lunch on Sunday at the Airport - which was great fun!  Only in Asia would anyone hang out at the airport.... there is even a carpeted plane viewing gallery.  We ate lunch at Crystal Jade Shanghai Kitchen - a great experience as Charlotte ate the hot and sour noodle soup and the staff happily (and swiftily) cleaned up Charlotte's 'accident' (this was our first outing with her in panties).  Charlotte is liking all things spicy these days - she asks for chips and 'sauce' (salsa) and does not mind Old El Paso's medium spiciness.

Charlotte also broke my camera (the S95 - which I am kind of falling out of favor with anyway).  So we went to Harbourfront to get it fixed and we took the train back.  With his eyes, Matt would like to give me a proverbial "I told you so" about Char breaking the camera (one too many falls on the floor) but I grew up in a space where so much was verboten that if I am a bit too permissive (and get things broken from time to time) with my things then so be it.  I would rather my kids feel like they can be comfortable with their parents' things than for them to feel like they live in a museum.  I am, however, in the market to get a cheap camera for Char.

Speaking of cameras - I accidentally whacked Sophia in the face with my camera (the SLR) yesterday - she was not happy and nor was I.  She has a bit of a shiner to compliment the door-mark on the other side of her face (that she inflicted upon herself).  She slept all night last night - the first in a long time.  She normally gets up once a night.  But we are trying to just make her TIRED.  Jisun graciously let us borrow the Ferrari walker again (as Charlotte walked for miles in it) and Sophia has yet to figure the forward walking bit out.  Yesterday she crawled around in the park for TWO hours in the afternoon - so maybe that is what we need to do.  Let her crawl around for two hours everyday.  Yikes!

I discovered a new function on my camera - the 3D autofocus function.  Perfect for chasing down 2 toddlers!

Here is Sophia in her new park getup!

Adorable Alix:


Sophia continues her serious streak (while being confused for a boy here):

Eating yogurt is serious business!

Here is Char in my tribute to fall!

And in color!

Charlotte's scrunchy face - two ways!


I love this photo of Sophia.  Her eyes are so 'catchlight'-y!

Sophia is a serious driver (and at the moment a backwards only one):

Great teeth shot!

Reese does serious:

Sisters climb:

Happy Sophia!

Here is the family at the airport pretending like we are visiting Bhutan and wearing traditional clothing:
 bhutan family
My favorite photos this week:



Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Week 127 and Week 40.5 - Potty train and dresses!

School has been remarkably helpful with training Charlotte on the potty.  Of course we still have an accident once a day (always within inches of a toilet/potty) but she can go most of the day wearing panties instead of diapers.  Nothing better than peer pressure (as well as a potty trained female classmate) to help things along.  They even have mini toilet cubicles at school!  I was told by the teacher that Charlotte is a creature of habit and routine and, well, so is her mother.

Charlotte is also wearing dresses all the time!  To sleep, to school... it is cute but we are running out of acceptable dresses (the other day Imee offered her a dress and she said it was too ugly!).

We started Charlotte in swim lessons.  She was the only kid not wearing a body suit (I was advised by another one of the mothers how cold it is at 6PM.  In Singapore?!  But Charlotte was a bit chilly afterwards.  Nothing a sweatshirt can't fix!).  Charlotte was her typical shy-in-groups self.  Hopefully she warms up (!) soon.

Otherwise Charlotte is being a bit difficult - testing wills, saying no.  I have found that I have to offer a carrot ("You can go to school if you do X."  "We will go home if you don't do Y.").  Is this proper parenting?  I don't know but it seems to work for now.

Matt cut Charlotte's hair this past weekend.  It is cute (and even!)

Sophia is pulling up on everything these days - toilets, dressers, etc.  I realize after looking at these pictures that she is a smiley baby but not too smiley in photos...

We met with Olivia, Clarice, and Mike at the Tanjong Beach Club this weekend.  I like the food there - but I also like the natural lighting for photos!

Sophia is getting up once a night for the most part.  She stayed asleep one night then Charlotte got up to want to eat!  By the time I got her milk and went back upstairs she was sound asleep again.

I continue to learn more about my camera (Auto focus functions these days) - so much to learn!

That being said - I don't know how to focus on a swinging child.  At least her hands are in focus!

Tired Sophia on a swing:

Great Charlotte face!

Char's photo:

Charlotte is in swim school:


Gorgeous Olivia can eat an apple like no other!

And bread!

Charlotte is high chair optional these days:

The many sides of serious Sophia:


 Olivia runs with a ball larger than her!

More Char photos:


Char photo success!

Double stroller shot!

Funny Sophia pictures:




Good old fashioned fun with a couple of paper cardboard rolls with TT!
And videos:
Sophia lost in a sea of balloons at Chris's party!

Charlotte drives Taz crazy!

Daddy cuts Charlotte's hair:

Charlotte swims in class!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week 126 and Week 39.5- Julia and Nine months!

Sophia is now 9 months old.  She has been out longer than she was in!  I don't think she is teething but she is still getting up at night.  Last night it was just once though.  We feel like she is close to walking as she is standing a LOT these days.

Auntie Julia came for a short visit this past weekend and it was great to see her!  Such boundless positive energy.  We even got Matt to eat at a vegetarian restaurant (thanks to Julia - I don't think I alone could do it!).

We celebrated Chris's second birthday.  He was so good - just a great sport about all the activities.  Charlotte was quite shy - her usual M O for being in new situations.

Charlotte has this skin rash - not too serious but I did keep her home from school yesterday.  We took a nap together - and it was really cute!  My first time sleeping with Charlotte in a long time.

Here is funny faced Charlotte with a bandage on her head.  Two hours later she took the bandage off and said "no more pain anymore."

These teething biscuits are Sophia's favorite!

The following is a series of Charlotte photos.  Julia is a worthwhile muse!






This is a great Charlotte shot - of Matt's teeth!

Charlotte helps Julia drink a green smoothie:

Chris's Party!


Charlotte and Julia eat chocolate cake:

The birthday boy is serious:

Auntie Doris shows Sophia around:

Sophia shows her ladylike demeanor:

Charlotte and Daddy:



Sophia stands!

Sophia likes halal dim sum!

Where is Charlotte?

Char drives with the Tasmanian Devil.  She and TT played in my car earlier this week and left the parking lights on (doh!).  Luckily we were able to jump start it: