Friday, December 4, 2015

Dec 2 - Thanksgiving, Food Festival, and Tree Trimming!

So - it looks like I am in a bit of a bi weekly habit with this blog.  I am ok with this.  I suppose I just assumed that the blog will sort of evolve organically as needed - for my life as well as the updates.  So this is in line with that.

Sophia is having bad dreams of late - she had a dream that Matt threw her to sea and various dreams about witches which brings her into our room late at night.  Poor girl. :(

The girls feed fish:

Awesome Thanksgiving at the Kims - thanks for hosting us Lauren!

Baby Daphne came over for the day last week - and we ate at Petisquiera!

The week before Jen hosted us for a Thanksgiving in HK - so great!  Thanks for hosting us!

We went to the Macau Food Festival!

Sophia was tired:

Everyone loved the Korean tornado potatoes!

Then we put out the Christmas tree!

Action shot: