Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Week 151 and Week 64.5 - Hockey Fever (literally)

Matt played in a hockey tournament this week - I don't know a lot about hockey but I do think it is odd that they lost their first 3 games but ended up winning their next two and then winning the tournament!  I took Charlotte to the two games I saw (you know, to get her used to watching hockey games if getting-used-to means seeing a game once every six months or so) and the first game she HATED it.  Something about the noise of the puck on the boards really struck a nerve with her.  She either covered her ears or I covered her ears the entire game.  The second (Championship) game went significantly better - the rink played that interstitial rock music and that proved to be enough of a distraction so I did not have to cover Charlotte's ears.  Uncle Neil was with us too and he taught Charlotte the number 8 (Matt's jersey) - so Charlotte has been pointing out 8's to us ever since.

As of March 1 Bucky has been with us for 4 years!  Wow!  He is definitely a gentle hearted trouper.  He still plugs along the status quo these days - labored breathing, sometimes eating without a piece of chicken, mostly eating with. 

Cute thing for the week - Charlotte says to Daddy - 'I want to sanitize my hands.'  Who knew she knew the word for sanitize?  Then Sophia motioned she wanted some sanitizer too (this is the stuff we brought back from the hospital when Sophia was born).  Matt squirts it in her hand and then she slaps it back and forth between her hands!

This has been an unusually tough week health wise for the kids.  Last Thursday Char came down with a fever - 40 degree territory.  Convinced that she had dengue we took her to the ER to learn she probably did not have dengue.  She had no other visible symptoms but two days ago we saw a tooth erupt in the back of her mouth (I of course had forgotten that she would still be getting baby teeth - I thought she was done till her permanent ones came in).  Yesterday Sophia came home early from the park in the afternoon as she was just not in the mood to play - she too had a fever (a mild one).  She did not want a bottle or to nurse either (she did eventually nurse a bit).  We definitely see another tooth or two coming up in her mouth.  Even though we have been through this before you forgot how traumatizing it is to get teeth. 

For some reason Matt played for a team in New Delhi:

Uncle Neil, master teacher of all things hockey:

Char plays in the stands:



Sophia wears the championship hat!

Sophia's features are so light!

Sophia can slide down by herself!

Tongue shot:

Char shows off her belly:

Virginie and Cristobal:

Virginie and Alix:

A good day for shooting pictures:


Here is a video of Matt's victory lap around the rink (with his new New Delhi teammates):

And Char laughs while saying "Daddy has got the puck!"  So cute:

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