Friday, January 17, 2014

Week 197 and Week 109.5 - Tham's birthday party!

This week has been pretty uneventful for us – and that is good as we have lots of exciting things in store for our trip to the US.
Speaking of the US – unseasonably cold weather had affected much of the country over the past week.  And Matt, in his ever endearing state (?), taunts me with it.  He certainly knows how to push my hot (cold!) buttons as I am such a cold weather wimp.  I am assuming that we will be inside most of the time, looking at each other with the fire roaring in the fireplace as a backdrop.  He is going to make me go out there and face the cold (assuming that it is not negative forty degrees).  Why?  Why?  I know my sister would not dare go out there.  Sigh.  The lifestyle of the cold weather is not for me I think – too much stuff to get lost (and I lose enough stuff on my own thanks to the empty mindedness that is motherhood).
Charlotte is adjusting slowly to this afternoon school thing – we will give it a month but would be happy for her to go back to going half day.  There is still a lot of crying and little eating or sleeping there (though she did nap two days ago – yay!).  I just think she is darn little to be gone most of the day and I hope that she feels the same way too.  But again, her decision after a month (and then another month while we are in the US).
There were several mornings where Charlotte was inconsolable on the car ride home - and we listened to Californication and it was all better.

Last weekend we went to Qube2 to a birthday party of our friend Paul’s son Tham, a gleeful child who just turned 6.  It was very fun – the girls enjoyed hanging out with the Rainey kids and basically ate air, 2 chicken nuggets between them, five bites of red fondant and 4 cups of Orange Fanta.  I also took them to the Macau Science Centre – which is really an easy outing with both the girls.  Yay – will do again if we can get our act together to be back in the house by noon (no small undertaking indeed!).
Inspired by Paul's daughter Hannah (who is two and eats much better than our girls do), I want to institute better mealtime routines – if any of you read the blog and have suggestions I will welcome them in your comments (and I appreciate your comments).  Starting in March 2014 – a bit more discipline.

Sophia sure loves these ball pits:






Daddy and Uncle Damien:



The girls are good at sitting in tiny chairs:



Where is Charlotte?


The lovely Raineys:




The girls loved these inflatable slides:
Tham's 6!
I like this photo - flash simultaneousness (is that a word?):
Afterwards we went to take photos with the Dreamworks characters.  Sophia is scared of the lion and Charlotte the dragon (I agree the dragon is scary!):

1 comment:

  1. 1) I do not like cold and I do not leave the house when it below 20 degrees at night and 40 during the day.

    2) Kids get hungry and they eat. It is your job to put healthy food in front of them and it is their choice to eat it but they do not get options. The food in front of you is all you get.

    3) I always feel like there should be a third thing.
