Friday, January 24, 2014

Week 198 and Week 110.5 - Drake House Down!

Well, this has been a busy week.  One of these super stir crazy weeks.  I think we are just rounding out 6 days of sickness in Casa Drake.  6!  It started with Charlotte and her projectile rice noodles (the sort of thing you don’t ever want to eat again after seeing it all over your husband, the bathroom counter, the sheets).  In the end I think we thought that our ancient Panadol was probably the cause of the vomiting and threw it out after 2 consecutive nights of sheet changing (twice on the first night).  Next up, Sophia gets the projectiles.  This made for a pretty uneventful weekend overall.  Sophia’s was longer lasting and then evolved into the runs.  And then on Wednesday Matt and Imee both went down (I have had a pretty busy work week so have been not around the kids as much).  So I took Char and Sophia to Capoiera and Sophia pooed through her pants while there.  Char was a champ and back at school on Tuesday (though we are still not on board with the whole full day premise yet – more on that later).  Sophia just got back into school today after 4 days off (and then 4 more days and then off for most of a month!). 
We are still not at 100% as of this writing but at a decent 85%. 
Charlotte has been super whiny and spoiled of late.  I am not sure it is because everyone is sick and she is not (and gets little sympathy).  I really lost my patience with her as I was trying to change Sophia (unhappy in her wet pants and shoes) while Char was whinging on and on about wanting a candy.  Sigh.  At that very moment I was lamenting why we don’t live closer to family.  You know, having peers to keep you in line is good when you are little.  We don’t have nearly enough of them here L.
Sophia has completely inherited the pathetic sick gene from yours truly.  I mean, just a total mess, I-am-the-only-person-who-has-ever-been-sick demeanor complete with occasional outbursts of “I’M SICK!”  My kids certainly are not rough and tumble with what ails them (though Charlotte is whiny she lacks the pathos that is Sophia).  I am sure Matt just shakes his head at his house full of Kye girl illness.
Sickness has contributed to the slippery slope that is our newfound co-sleeping habit.  Last night I fell asleep with Charlotte and woke up to sleep in our room – and I found Sophia sleeping in my bed!  Then Charlotte woke up too – she is a bit of a sleep tether and gets up when I do.   So I went back to sleep in the guest room with her.  I awoke at 5:30 to go jog(!) and there Char was too – awake.  I convinced her to sleep in the living room while I went for a jog.  Sophia does not like to sleep in her crib anymore and sleeps in Charlotte’s toddler bed and our bed but Matt says she is a noisy and rambunctious bedfellow.  When does she become a sound sleeper?  Age 3?  Now the crib is reserved for when she does not want to sleep but we need her too.  Not ideal but sometimes necessary.

Ack - when did Sophia become a little girl (and not a baby)?



Photos taken before acute illness (and with the bribe of a sweetie):



Sigh.  Waiting for daddy to fetch the car at the Venetian with some more sweets.  So boring! 



Sophia may be left-handed!


Sad sick Sophia!


A new use for the crib - storage and play!


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