Friday, May 23, 2014

Week 215 and Week 127.5 - Trae comes to town

For months we tried to get Traejan, Cooper, and Caleb and the girls together for a fun 'hi we knew each other before we had kids and now we have kids and they should all play together' day.  This FINALLY came together last Sunday... and it was idyllic.  Really a wonderful day with great kids who all just loved being around each other.

The day started at Shrekfast - Sophia was again scared of everyone while Charlotte wanted to take pictures with everyone.  Cooper was more into the characters than Sophia (though was appropriately scared of Shrek and the Dragon).  We then headed home for a nap (yay!  Everyone napped!). And then we headed to Mel and Tom's and Janice and Jason met us and we had a great afternoon playing, going to the beach, and eating.  It was a perfect day - except Matt wasn't there.

Sophia is sporting new, fancy hairstyles of late:

We went to a TIS Community Day Face painting!







Char has mastered the character photo smile:




Here is our vain attempt at a family shot (sans Matt):

And Sophia - content being part of the peanut gallery:


Birthday Buddy Caleb and Uncle Tom:


I love these big characters against little Charlotte:

Our afternoon with Trae in Coloane:


Hac Sa Beach:










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