Sunday we went to dim sum with Ardyth, Chris and Liam and then spent the afternoon at Hac Sa (in Coloane). It was spontaneous and fun - the kids played outside in the playground and we ate at Norman's later. This was a no nap day and we really paid the price for it by 7PM as both girls were SO grumpy. But it was fun just to be relaxed and outside - we saw Sophia's teacher at Norman's - we should do this more and not be slaves to the naps (all the time anyway).
Other cute things - Charlotte calls Sophia "Soph" and Sophia calls her night time diapers "hull ups" (somehow the p is omitted).
The girls got these from Grandpa - and Char reminds me of Katy Perry in the Last Friday Night video wearing them:
We also got Frozen - which Sophia loves (and Charlotte doesn't seem to have the attention span for). Here is Sophia watching in her jammies:
Cake decorating:
Pre decorating:
Post decorating (with new icing on the names):
Fun pictures taken by the character meet and greet:
I do occasionally appear on the blog - here with the girls:
Coloane Play:
Love her Three Musketeer hair here:
This was the end of the clean dresses - Charlotte's school mate Mariana graciously gave the girls an ice cream bar:
Dinosaur fun:
Char loves these Whirlydoos:
There is a lot of pointing going on these days:
Charlotte and Maleah's party!
Jenni and Char - so cute!
Autumn, Char and Jenni:
Maleah, Char and Jenni:
Cookie Cake!
Mariana is in this picture:
Our attempt at a moms and daughters shot:
Miss Dizon and Miss Sandra and the birthday girls:
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