Monday, November 10, 2014

Week 239 and Week 151.5 - Winter is here

Macau is a very seasonal weather place.  Literally one day it is balmy and beautiful and the next it is brutally rainy and cold.  We are in the latter for now. 

Perhaps I am being a bit melodramatic with the cold bit.  Dare I say it is perhaps 60 degrees?  65?  My poor brethren in the Midwest and their perpetual winters - I salute you.  Someday I may join you.  Someday (spoken in a rather hypothetical sense).

The girls are madly in love with Jenny and Jason.  Truly madly deeply in love.  They hang out much of the week and Charlotte always wants to hang out with Jenny.  Poor Jason though - the token boy in a sea of Elsa princess girls.  All he wants to do is jump off slides and other tall surfaces.  I do feel for him.

I bought the girls UNO and Shrinky Dinks while at Toys R Us with Ardyth this week.  Shrinky Dinks were awesome - Matt had never seen them before and they were a great bleary day activity (bonus points for me for finding the Disney princess edition and all the dinks turn into bracelet charms - SCORE).  Char was pretty down on UNO but has grown to really like it.  Sophia has one twice even.  I was super proud when she matched a number and not a color all by herself this week.

Capoiera has moved to a location more central to most people but further away from us.  Although it is my default nature to whinge over such things I cannot control I am embracing this as a new adventure in exploring Taipa (bear in mind Taipa is all of ten minutes from one end to the other via car.  Maybe twelve).  We will have Japanese food once a week as it is near our Capoiera location.  I took a kickboxing class at this location on Friday and it totally kickboxed by butt.

We saw Aya and Oliver on the weekend and went to a Lion Dance competition - which was cool but sort of loud for our kiddies.  We all retired to a long Sunday nap which was delicious in the dreary weather.

We made cupcakes with Jenny and Jason:


Lazy Sunday - pancakes and the iPad:

Sophia running around Ocean Gardens:

The playground:

Charlotte catches up on her reading before dim sum:

As does Sophia and Emi:

Making faces at convex lamp surfaces:


Lion dancing at MGM - no English commentary.  Many Asian entrants:





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