We had sort of a typical week - which was great as I am a big proponent of routine.
But the weekend was spectacular! So busy and great - the sort of weekends you have to sleep in for because they were so fun filled.
It started with a birthday party for Sophia B - so hard to plan these type of things for weather but the B's did brilliantly. The girls got new Elsa dresses and have worn them nearly threadbare over our fun filled weekend. Matt from Sophia's class was so cute- calling her 'Sophia Drake' (3 Sophias in a class of 12 - sigh - it is the Matt conundrum of the 2010's).
Next up - Capoiera and then an impromptu playdate with Justin who Charlotte adores. Charlotte loves her guy friends loads.
The next day a swim lesson (with Mr. Brockbank - the only way we could get Sophia to go) though it was hardly a success as there is a pesky swim cap rule in the public pool (and also a no camera rule which I find completely arbitrary). Dim sum and finally a parade! Charlotte got to be in the Fringe parade in San Malo - she was cute as can be and it was fun. Sophia was kind of in on the action too so maybe she is ready to join come 2015.
I am happy to report after some prodding that Charlotte slept last night with no diaper and no accidents. She is quite attitudinal about it - which is very funny to me this morning.
Sophia also went into the kitchen on Sunday and announced, "I am going to the kitchen. Don't follow me." She emerged with contraband gummy bears that were out of her reach (we thought). Clever girl...
Get me an iPad and some Elsa makeover videos:
Princess dress daddy climbing:
Sophia B's birthday party!
Food was a massive hit:
Cake by the ever talented Mama Sam:
Birthday girl:
Candle blowing:
Sophia sitting next to her favorite - ketchup:
Great Reuben shot:
Family shots:
Fringe Parade!
Leandra and Charlotte!
Sophia follows along:
Not a trivial task to part the Red Sea of people between Senado Square and St. Paul's Ruins:
Check out that bridge:
Laying on the ground - akin to the lion sleeping in the lion dance:
Stunner Fernanda:
Char and Titan:
Watching the Fringe performances:
Awesome drum line:
Charlotte and Khiari spar:
Master Eddy won the King of the Parade and Capoiera won a merit award! We are lucky to have Charlotte enrolled in Capoiera as these guys are fabulous with the kids:
I was too short to take this final photo:
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