Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Week 122 and Week 35.5 - Pictures

Lots going on in the House of Drake.  Matt travels.  I start working half time for Matt.  This means jogging, eating, showering, hair, makeup, feed baby, and get lunch ready before getting out the door.  I begin (yet again) another foray into jogging and healthier living.  We set up the baby jail for Sophia to roam around it.  Charlotte calls it baby jail.  It is funny.

Charlotte has recently gotten into pictures.  Seeing pictures.  Taking pictures.  I want to give her my old camera but the battery is old and it does not work.  I let her play with the D7000 but am reluctant.  So I let her play with the Canon S95.  It drops a couple of times but still works.  I try to show her to look at the screen as there is no viewfinder but she puts the camera to her face anyway.  She is SO cute with the camera I cannot stand it. 

Sophia is getting up once a night - not a travesty but maybe the 13 hour sleep is a thing of the recent jet lagged past.  She is sleeping at 8:30 (with Charlotte) so I have a semblance of an evening as opposed to my previous routine of sleep (for Sophia) at 11.

Charlotte had a fever yesterday.  Low and seemingly gone this morning.

Lucas, Ron and Lina paid us a visit and it was good fun on Saturday.

Sophia is serious in sunglasses of any type:


Or goofy:

TT is not too sure of the Bumbo:

TT has a new pool and Char loves to go swimming!



Sophia can now crawl around at the park!


With her big sis:




Photo courtesy of Charlotte!

Sophia poses in baby jail!

Sophia sees herself in the mirror!

Great shot of Daddy (with his narrow head and sunglasses) and cheesy Charlotte!


  1. lovely pictures--I love soph in her sunglasses!! --Nicole

  2. Next time you guys are here, Matt has to wear all of kidlet's glasses.
