Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Week 243 and Week 155.5 - Count Basie and Carols and Capoeira and a Dog

As I write the title of this post I just recently realized that I have been misspelling Capoeira.... as the i before e except after c rule must not apply to Portuguese I guess.

So a busy week for us yet again.  Matt and I went to our final event of the year - the AmCham Ball with Count Basie Orchestra playing.  Mind you, we are not event types (but I do like to dress up) but being in Asia it is hard to go a year without attending a black tie event (plus we had free tickets!).  It was fun, we met some of our neighbors, we danced at Bellini.  I would like to say that I did not feel it the next day but indeed I did by passing out at 8PM.

Sunday we swam which was great (we I mean Sophia and I) as the previous week was an unmitigated disaster with Daddy in the pool with her.  I was hoping this could be a daddy and me event but indeed it does not appear as if it will be.  We also picked up our dog we just adopted - Dawan, who is proving to be the sweetest dog ever.  Then we were going to go to Christmas carols at the Grand Coloane Resort, but Sophia was a monster on the ride over and we decided I would stay home with her (as she passed out in the car after a long bout of hysteria) and Matt took Charlotte to the carols.

Monday I brought a cookie cake to Sophia's class - as it was the official birthday celebration for the December birthdays.  I was impressed another mom was there - and it was not even her kid's birthday!  And other parents brought treats (again not their kids' birthdays).  Wow parents are nice.

Sophia had her first trial Capoeira class on Monday - as she is triumphantly turning 3 on Thursday we really wanted her to try.  She was reluctant but her encouraging sister and a bribe of chips got her started - and she was very good.  Looking forward to her being a part of that next year.

Capoeira is in a new boxing gym - which has very decent lighting for photographs:



The Saturday class has a lot of kids in it:


AmCham ball home shot with Sophia:

Charlotte helps feed Sophia:

Welcome home Dawan!

Charlotte and Santa at the carols event:

Sophia at school at her birthday celebration:




Sophia does a headstand at her trial Capoeira class:

And helps out:


Charlotte likes to touch Justin - but he plays hard to get sometimes:

Knocking Master Eddy over:










The girls love talking about eyelashes - telling me a borrowed mine from Tita Veronica.  Here is Sophia sporting her own:

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