Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Week 29 - overall restlessness

So Charlotte is officially getting up at night.  It was twice a night until a few days ago so now it is once a night.  Either at midnight or at four.  She awakes for a little milk top up.  I have read in Dr. Weissbluth's book that this is ok, normal even, until she is nine months.  These wakings cause me some stress and aggravates my arthritis which I thought was done and gone.  We are soon to buy a mini fridge to keep in the middle level, adding to the cavalcade of crap to get rid of if and whenever we leave idyllic Asia.

We are trying to expend her energy by putting her in the walker that she loves.  She is a speed demon and can negotiate corners better than I can (let us hope the whole depth perception thing is a trait for Matt's side).  We even take her to the park with it.

I have, on more than one occasion this past week, contemplated the road not travelled, e.g. going back to work.  Do I want to go back to work?  Not entirely, but the constant social interaction (and its spin off of personal identity) I do miss sometimes.  But I do remind myself it is not entirely about me anymore.  It is about giving Charlotte the best possible start in life.  And for us that means having a parent at home, just like Matt and I had.

Feeding is more consistent.  She is loving winter squash and rice cereal.  I want to try baby led weaning but want to take a baby CPR class first.

Halloween has come and gone.  We did not dress Charlotte up but she did wear a T-shirt.  Matt and his sis are astounded at my lack of pumpkin carving history.  It happened once - my parents carved a monstrous one in Stone Mountain and put it on the washer in the public use bathroom of our apartment.  I was so scared of it (at age 4) that I did not even want to use the toilet and had to have someone go with me.  So maybe I am just traumatized.

Here is Charlotte roaming around our local park:

Yummy purees (fed by Imee):

More food shots:
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Halloween gestures with Daddy:

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Like (narcoleptic) mother, like daughter:

Charlotte discovers the sky:
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  1. Picture with Sherry and ... is that Janice? How was trip to China with Charlotte? :D

  2. She is so adorable. Do you realize she is looking more and more like you every day?!

  3. Lulu - LOL. Either me or Imee, our helper.
