Sunday, February 6, 2011

Facebook lurking

A wee bit of a confessional moment.

Over the last few days (it has been a long weekend here in Singapore so more, ahem, idle time) I have lurked a bit on Facebook on guys I used to know.  All during college, these guys were guys I was interested in (let's say).

Well, here are the stats:

Guy #1: Married and with 4(!) kids!  Wow, that is definitely the road not taken...

Guy #2: Mortifyingly performed a split(!) at the now defunct Masquerade (which was then the greatest '80's night known to man, and now I know why it is defunct [someone please explain to me the business model of opening a bar to 18-year-olds]).  Verdict - NO hair (and boy was this guy's look DEFINED by his hair), married with one child it seems.

Guy #3: Cleverly incognito on Facebook, save his profile photo.  Not a strong hairline to begin with but certainly not abetted by obvious male pattern baldness.

Guy #4: So painfully gay in his pursuit of negative body fat status.   How could I not have seen it then?

Note: I am not Facebook friends with any of these guys, as I do believe that some stones should be left unturned...


  1. Now I gotta know who these guys are!

  2. I'm actually Facebook friends with lots of my exs. It just reminds me why they are exs and how I definitely married up!
