Sunday, August 11, 2013

Week 173 and Week 86.5 - Dentist and school

Sorry again for the late post - I am doing a bit of consulting work these days and my schedule is a bit busier than before.  So here I am on a Sunday morning trying to get this post in before Sophia gets up - she is a champ as it is almost nine in the morning.

We took Sophia to the dentist - luckily her tooth is ok and the dentist filed it away so it would not be so sharp at the edge.  That was a disaster for her - think crying till the cows come home - but when it was over she was fine and was rewarded with packaged cookies (I have never before been to a dentist that gave out sugary packaged cookies).  I have adjusted to her new smile.  Albeit reluctantly.

We went to North over the weekend - my new favorite non busy Chinese food place.  David Schubach met us - and Sophia was much more cooperative than when we were there before.

We went to Hong Kong on Monday and bought Char an ASUS mini tablet.  Buying a piece of electronic equipment at the Wanchai Computer Market is not recommended with a rambunctious toddler in tow (this time Sophia).  I was rather exhausted once we got back to Macau that day.

Charlotte started IEC on Monday - I am not sure that she likes it as she tells me she has cried and Imee says she has cried this week.  I don't remember much crying in her old school but maybe she was just not articulating well then.  She also had an interview with TIS (The International School here) and got in - luckily the principal did not ding her for picking her nose throughout the interview.

Sophia is talking more and more - she came into the bathroom as I was taking a shower and she said, "Mommy!  Mommy!  Get out!"

Charlotte keeps telling us to "Kwai Kwai Leh" - or hurry up in Mandarin.

Ok - on with the pictures!

Happier moment at the dentist:

Our weekly tradition of naked spaghetti!

Big sister feeds little sister - anything for an ice cream treat later!


Watching noodles being made at North!








 Happy as a clam at the Grand Canal Shoppes with a balloon and an apple:



Window shopping:


En route to Hong Kong - sharing a seat:

MTR Ride!

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