Friday, September 20, 2013

Week 180 and Week 92.5 - I, Me, MINE

The girls are in a bit of a mine phase.  The girls are very much whatever is their sister's is well, theirs.  From high chair seats to Daddy carriers.  Sophia is particularly loud and proud.  She is also crying every day on her way to school (so I hear - I get dropped off at work usually before I can see it in person).  I mean INCONSOLABLE.  The worst she has ever been, according to Matt.  But then she goes to school and she is FINE.  Participates well.  I am hoping that this gets better - or the next 16 years of school could be a bit trying.

Just now, I was lying in bed with Charlotte and she just fell out of bed and nicked her head onto the nightstand next to her.  There was lots of blood which freaks me out and Matt, being more steady-eddie in situations like this, said she should be FINE, though she has a small bleedy cut on her head.  She is on her way to the doctor now.  I am sure that there will be an ice cream along the way too.  Blah.  Parenting can be so emotionally exhausting especially when you did not grow up in a place where bumps and bruises are de rigueur.  Yes, I am the paranoid Asian parent.  Yes, I have become my nervous mother.

Auntie Jen came by last weekend with Uncle Matthieu.  We held a fireworks party as there are fireworks that we can see from our balcony.  Uncle Rob and Uncle Chuanda came as well and we had a sit down barbeque dinner between firework shows.

Sunday we went to dim sum and the Macau Science Centre - a great way to catch up with Jen and spend time with our kids.  Sophia was without a nap and she was pretty vocal about it by sundown.  Do you see a recurring theme in this blog post?  It is all about how loud Sophia is these days.  Terrible twos here we are!

We were at Toys R Us last Sunday and Char wanted a microphone - I told her we had one at home.  So she reminded me when we got home and has been a living room Karaoke queen ever since!  She keeps singing this song "I am so happy to see you every night" or the opposite version - "I am NOT so happy to see you every night."

Here are some shots on Sophia's first day of school - not sure why I did not upload them last week:



She is like me - the backpack is bigger than her torso!

Seeing Daddy after her first day of school.  Sweet relief!

Serious TV watching:

Rihanna show shots...
Warm up DJ:



Orange eating:

Phone destroying:

Char not happy:

Playing doctor with Daddy:

Char shows Uncle Matthieu Android phone tricks:

Fun with Auntie Jen:



Sophia not so sure about the weekend crowds at the Macau Science Centre:

Char waves at her subjects:

Hello there:

Ice cream shots:

Karaoke girls!


"I got you babe!"

I am done with my singing career!

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